BRIEF: School Choice in the States September 2015

Colorado – Brittany Corona @BrittanyLCorona

Douglas County, Colorado was awarded an extension on September 24 to seek the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that struck down the district’s Choice Scholarship voucher program. The program is a universal, district-wide school voucher program, which briefly served about 500 students in 21 schools in Douglas County. Check out our blog post to learn more about the legal history of this program.

Douglas County is now seeking review by the U.S. Supreme Court. If accepted, SCOTUS could strike down Blaine laws in 37 states, allowing students across the country increased access to educational options.


Montana – Michael Chartier @mchart1

The Montana Department of Education submitted draft rules on behalf of the state’s new tax-credit scholarship program. Those rules, if implemented, will prohibit scholarship funds from going to religious schools.


Nevada – Michael Chartier @mchart1

More than 3,500 applications have been received for Nevada’s new statewide education savings accounts. The program is open to all public school students. Click to learn more about the Nevada Education Savings Accounts program.