Family Resources

Can I Use a 529 Plan for K–12 Expenses?

529 Tax Plan

If you’ve done much research into how to save for your child’s college education, you’ve probably heard of 529 plans. These plans, created as part of the Small Business Job Protection Act in 1996, were originally meant to give parents a tax-advantaged way to save for college expenses. Parents could get federal income tax benefits […]

How Do You Build a School Choice Coalition?

In today’s episode, EdChoice’s President and CEO Robert Enlow moderates a conversation with two of our team’s long-time coalition builders, Vice President of Training and Outreach Keri Hunter and Senior Director of State Relations Michael Chartier. The three talk about their past experiences in coalition building and which states have strong school choice coalitions today. […]

What Recourse Families of Students with Special Needs Have When Their Schools Fail Them: Public vs. Private

Special Needs: Private vs. Public Schools

Students with special needs are a vulnerable population. Often, they lack the ability to effectively advocate for themselves within the classroom or school house. Diagnoses can be complicated and contradictory—incredible strengths in one area can be tempered by profound deficiencies in others. No two children with special needs are alike. This is perhaps why both […]

An EdChoice Thanksgiving, 2017

Each year at Thanksgiving, we highlight the stories of students and families who are especially grateful for educational opportunity. Last year, we shared a blog post by Valerie McMurray, a student using an education savings account in Arizona. In 2015, we highlighted the stories of three school choice families. This year, we’re excited to share […]

This Flexible, Customized Education Model Will Change Your Perception of Private Schools

Brightmont Academy

Parents and educators know that every child is unique. Still, individualized instruction that addresses each student’s uniqueness remains elusive in many traditional schools—public and private. Brightmont Academy is a private school for grades 6–12 that uses a one-to-one instructional approach exclusively. Since 1999, Brightmont Academy has aspired to fill that void by customizing the educational […]

Can School Choice Keep Children Safe from Bullying?

bullying in schools

Twelve-year-old Mallory Grossman recently ended her own life rather than endure any more bullying from peers at her school. According to her family, the bullying had gone on for months. They’d reported it to school officials who, they believe, did not take it seriously, and the parents are suing the school district they believe neglected […]

How Education Funding Should Work in the 21st Century: What You Need to Know

For as long as we can remember, our society has known one system of education. Based on their ZIP Codes, our children are assigned to “free” public schools that are supposed to be identical and serve everyone equally. Once in that system, which was designed to educate a workforce of people during the Industrial Age, […]

School Choice Is Bankrupting Public Schools: Fact or Fiction?

First, we need to understand what it would take to topple public schools. Total expenditures nationwide for fiscal year 2014 exceeded $625 billion. Now, how much are states spending on school choice programs today? Based on the most recent data available, only $2.2 billion across the entire country. The truth? The biggest threat to public […]