In The States

Reunited, But Will It Be Good? Considerations and Concerns as New Orleans School Board Absorbs Local Recovery District Schools

Sunday marked a major milestone for a city with one of the most radical education reform transformations in the country. For the first since Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc in 2005, almost all New Orleans schools are under the jurisdiction of the city’s school board. The Orleans Parish School Board (OBSP) officially unified the 38 parish […]

Mapping Drive-Times from Private Schools in Oklahoma

Oklahoma helps more than an estimated 2,500 families afford private school through its tax-credit scholarship and voucher programs, but do kids in this fairly rural state actually have nearby private school options to choose from? Which communities have private schools, and which don’t? And how quickly can families in the Sooner State transport their children […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, May 2018

May 2018 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION   Colorado  SB 18-083 was postponed indefinitely in Colorado’s House Education Committee. The bill, which would have created an income tax credit for private school tuition as well as for the funding of a private school scholarship, previously passed the Senate.   Florida The Florida Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal […]

What Puerto Rico’s New Education Reform Bill Says About School Choice

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind for education in Puerto Rico. On April 30, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced a $589 million congressional package to aid Puerto Rico’s Department of Education following the destruction of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Then, thousands of protestors—including a large contingent of teachers—demonstrated in May Day […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, April 2018

April State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION   California  A proposed education savings account in the Golden State, SB 1344, failed in committee. It was granted reconsideration April 4.   Colorado  Colorado’s HB 18-083, an income tax credit for private school tuition as well as for the funding of private school scholarships, passed the Senate. The credit amount is […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, March 2018

March State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION California  California’s proposed tax-credit scholarship, AB 2480, saw amendments and was re-referred to the Standing Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The state’s proposed education savings account, SB 1344, was referred to various committees and is set for a hearing. Connecticut Connecticut introduced HB 5340, an act to study the creation of education savings […]

Mapping Drive-Times from Private Schools in South Carolina

South Carolina already has a tax-credit scholarship and individual tax credit for families of students with special needs, and existing South Carolina private schools seem open to participating in a general education savings account (ESA) program, another form of flexible private school choice. But where exactly are South Carolina private schools located? Which communities have […]

Mapping Indiana’s K–12 Student Transfers

Earlier this year, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) released its first ever Public Corporation Transfer Report showing how many students in each district exercised public school choice in Fall 2017. I’ve used the data in that report to create maps that show districts where students have left their schools to attend a different district […]