In The States

Exploring Arizona’s Private Schools After Nearly Two Decades of Educational Choice

Exploring Arizona's Private Education Sector

The Grand Canyon State is a pioneer when it comes to educational choice. Arizona has been home to the nation’s first universal school choice program for nigh on two decades—the Original Individual Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program. This tax-credit scholarship program is open to all K–12 students and even some prekindergarteners. And in 2011, Arizona […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States November 2016

November 2016 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION There are no state updates this month regarding school choice program legislation or litigation developments.   IN OTHER NEWS -Although news headlines have focused primarily on the presidential race, our team took a closer look at the election results from this year’s 12 state gubernatorial races. Click to find out where America’s […]

The Next Accountability Series Roundup

Greg Forster

  One of the most important questions in K–12 education is: Who should hold whom accountable for what, and how? Warring factions have been fighting over the answer for decades with little progress, and the debates only continue to heat up now as the nation’s new president prepares to take office. What might bring us […]

Top 5 Ways the New White House Can Support School Choice for Families

Top 5 Ways the White House Can Support School Choice

  Although K–12 education didn’t feature heavily into the 2016 race for the White House, President-elect Donald Trump has not been shy about his support for school choice, even making it part of the agenda he’s promising for his first 100 days in office. And it’s no secret that Vice President-elect has been a longtime […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States October 2016

school choice in the states October 2016

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Nevada In light of the Nevada Supreme Court’s Sept. 29 ruling that the legislature did not adequately appropriate funding for their best-in-the-nation education savings account (ESA) program, Attorney General Adam Laxalt, State Treasurer Dan Schwartz, Sen. Scott Hammond, state legislators, numerous state and community leaders and hundreds of parents urged Gov. Brian […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States September 2016

September 2016 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Connecticut  In Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding v Jodi M. Rell, the Superior Court in Hartford ruled, on September 7, that Connecticut’s school funding formula is irrational and its method of distributing education funding is unconstitutional, giving the state 180 days to propose a new formula. On September 20, the […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States August 2016

School Choice in the States August 2016

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION   Nevada – Michael Chartier @mchart1 It has been more than a month since the Nevada Supreme Court heard arguments in the Duncan v. State of Nevada and Lopez v. Schwartz cases—both lawsuits attempting to shut down a nearly universal education savings account (ESA) program for Nevada students. The court has yet to […]

How Nevada Can Do Right by Students by Doing Right by Teachers

NV students and teachers

In two previous posts, I discussed the fiscal impact of Nevada’s education savings account (ESA) program and how it could help the state with its problem of rising pension costs. Offering teachers pensions is by no means the problem. But most pension systems across the U.S. have been poorly designed from the start, and after […]

ESAs in Missouri: Designing What Works For Parents and the State Budget

ESAs in Missouri

This is the third in a three-part series that looks at education savings accounts in Missouri and how they could empower every family and improve student outcomes. As previously written, Missouri would do well to provide an education savings account to every child in the Show-Me State to make sure parents have the ability to […]