In The States

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways May 2020

A lot of major public developments are unfolding right now. We are truly living in historic times.  Schooling questions and issues may not be top of mind for many of you, but if they are, we have new monthly tracking polling results and downloadable files on our Public Opinion Tracker. In this blog post, I […]

Update on Tennessee ESA Litigation

UPDATED (JUNE 4): On June 4, the Supreme Court of Tennessee denied requests for that court to accept jurisdiction of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County et. al. vs. Tennessee Department of Education et. al., No. M2020-00683-COA-R9-CV, the case against Tennessee’s new Education Savings Account Pilot Program (ESA Pilot), That case is currently before the […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States – May 2020

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION   National In March, Congress passed The CARES Act, a multi-billion dollar COVID-19 relief stimulus bill that provided emergency relief block grants to states. These funds continued to be processed by states and school districts. In May, U.S. Department of Education guidance enabled governors to appropriate the law’s Education Stabilization Funds to best fit the […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways April 2020

We released a lot of data when we launched the EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker yesterday. And we mean a lot. In this blog post, I share eight key takeaways based on our January-to-April polling waves. We will update this tracker with new results by the first Tuesday each month. Subscribe to our email list or […]

What You Need to Know About the EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker

Today, we launch EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker, a monthly survey of public opinion about K–12 education in America, conducted by national polling and data intelligence firm Morning Consult. Starting this past January, we began conducting monthly polls of the general public and parents. We are also surveying teachers on a quarterly basis. We are fielding […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States – April 2020

LEGISLATION   Missouri Missouri legislators filed two education savings account bills, HB 2068 and SB 581, for students who are members of a household whose total annual income does not exceed two times the Missouri income standard used to qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. These two companion bills both aim to establish the “Show […]

K-12 Fiscal Relief in the Aftermath of COVID-19

K-12 education historically has been insulated from recessions, but the fallout from COVID-19 will strain state and district budgets and leave lawmakers and other public officials struggling to figure out financial solutions for years to come. Policymakers will be hard-pressed to find solutions to these challenges, but the answer is not growing the traditional system, […]