Research & Data

Some Nerdy Stuff About Education Polling

We here at EdChoice are big into polling. We have been  conducting our annual Schooling in America Survey since 2013 and started a partnership with Morning Consult last year to create our Public Opinion Tracker, which polls a nationally representative sample of Americans every month and a nationally representative sample of teachers every quarter. As […]

Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive: Black K-12 Parent Perspectives (May 2021)

The first half of 2021 saw many children return to the classroom, and there have been numerous reports detailing their struggles with learning loss. Districts have faced difficult decisions about testing and how to spend massive injections of federal funds. State legislatures across the country have passed historic improvements in school choice options for families. […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways May 2021

With the 2020-21 academic year over, education decisionmakers across the country are evaluating what schooling should look like in the long-term. Some schools are innovating, and others seek a return to normal. Likewise, parents have had to adapt to new schooling formats over the course of the pandemic, and some are using their experiences to […]

Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive: Perspectives of Black K-12 Parents (April 2021)

With case rates dropping rapidly, the pandemic appears to be winding down in the United States. Over the coming months, parents, teachers, and school leaders will make important decisions about how to pick up the educational pieces and move forward. Because Black students and families have experienced learning disruptions and other consequences of COVID-19 differently […]