Research & Data

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways February 2021

With most schools now more than halfway through this admittedly bizarre school year, it’s time for us to check in with another update of our monthly poll tracking poll. You can browse the full reports as well as our national and state dashboards, which illustrate public opinion on various educational issues at the beginning of […]

Will Hybrid Homeschooling Continue After the Pandemic Ends?

My new book, Hybrid Homeschooling: A Guide to the Future of Education, releases March 14. I wrote the vast majority of it before the pandemic, when hybrid homeschooling was confined to a small but dedicated group of educators and families in private, charter and traditional public school districts across the country. The coronavirus completely changed […]

Iowans Show Support for Flexible School Choice Programs, Want More Options

Those familiar with the private school choice world are used to hearing about developments and updates from the “Big Fish” states—places like Arizona, Florida and Wisconsin, which have among the largest school choice enrollments and were at the forefront of the modern school choice movement. But did you know Iowa, the 31st most populous state […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways January 2021

With another successful National School Choice Week in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to check in on our latest monthly tracking poll results. You can browse the full reports as well as our national and state dashboards, which illustrate public opinion on various educational issues at the beginning of the new year, at the EdChoice […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Participation, 2021 Edition

The 2021 edition of The ABCs of School Choice is officially live and available for orders, and in it, we provide the most recent participation data available for every private school choice program in America and much more. In this post, we rank all of those programs by participant counts at the time of this […]

The States Ranked by Spending on School Choice Programs, 2021 Edition

We’re used to people freaking out whenever states consider creating private educational choice programs. The common refrain goes, “But it will drain money from our already underfunded public schools. It will break our budgets!” There are a lot of problems with the ethos and the pathos of that response worth digging into another day, but […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Eligibility, 2021 Edition

At EdChoice, eligibility is one of the most important factors in analyzing a school choice program. We believe that all parents—regardless geography, income, or any other factor—should have access to the educational options that best fit their children’s needs. You can find specific program eligibility rates in this year’s ABCs of School Choice, or check out […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Purchasing Power, 2021 Edition

How well are America’s private school choice programs funded? In this post, we rank the nation’s educational choice programs by purchasing power based on data in the 2021 edition of The ABCs of School Choice. To rank programs by purchasing power, we compare each program’s most recent per-pupil spending to the state’s (plus D.C.’s and […]

The 2021 EdChoice Yearbook Superlatives

The EdChoice team has never experienced a year quite like 2020. Though we’re all eager to move forward, we couldn’t put it in the rearview mirror for good before bringing you our annual yearbook superlatives What better time than National School Choice Week to highlight some of the big school choice challenges and wins from […]