Research & Data

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways December 2020

This week, we’ve posted reports and our findings based on our most recent tracking poll results. You can browse our national and state dashboards—detailing what we learned about public opinion at the end of 2020—at the EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker. Each quarter, Morning Consult conducts two surveys on our behalf. The first is our tracking […]

Reducing Higher Ed Debt: K-12 Education Savings Accounts Can Help Beyond K-12

There’s a national conversation right now about whether or not lawmakers should cancel student loan debt­—and how much they should consider wiping out. President-elect Biden has suggested canceling up to $10,000 per student; other federal policymakers have urged canceling $50,000 per person. Both plans face challenges. Most notably, canceling $10,000 of student debt per borrower […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways November 2020

This week, we’ve posted reports based on our most recent survey results that are now posted on EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker. Below are eight key findings from our most recent monthly tracking poll, which is conducted by Morning Consult. Our survey was based on a nationally representative sample of adults 18 years and older in […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways October 2020

This week, we’ve posted reports based on our most recent survey results that are now posted on EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker. Below are key findings from our most recent monthly tracking poll, which is conducted by Morning Consult. Our survey was based on a nationally representative sample of adults 18 years and older (N = […]

U.S. States Ranked by Educational Choice Share, 2020

Where are America’s students getting their education? Which types of schools and educational settings are they choosing? END OF Q3 UPDATE: Participation data updates were made for programs in Alabama, Arizona and Florida. The percentages for Arizona changed in the table based on those updates, as did the national level percentages. I also updated the […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways September 2020

This week we’ve posted reports and our findings based on our most recent survey results that are now posted on EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker. Each quarter Morning Consult conducts two polls on our behalf. The first posed questions to a national sample of K–12 teachers (N = 1,000, in the field September 3–13). A second […]

Survey: But What About The Kids?

The debate over schools reopening during the pandemic has included a great deal of feedback from educators and parents. We’re not hearing as much from the students themselves. How are they feeling? Are they worried about catching the virus—and what do they think about safety protocol? Do they prefer remote learning or coming back to […]