Research & Data

The States Ranked by Spending on School Choice Programs, 2020 Edition

  The headline says it all. But if you’d like added context, see the national chart in this year’s edition of The ABCs of School Choice (also visible below). For a refresher on how the calculations are made, see the inaugural spending share post from 2017.     Just like last year’s calculations, these use […]

Sensible K–12 Governance and Why It Probably Won’t Happen

Daarel Burnette of Education Week wrote a provocative piece earlier this month titled “Face It, School Governance Is a Mess.” His core argument is tough to dispute: No one knows who is in charge of K–12 education. If you don’t like something going on in your child’s school, who do you go to? Your local […]

Hybrid Home Schooling’s “Whole Product” Problem

We present three steps to making hybrid homeschool work. In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore applies the “whole product” concept to his technology adoption lifecycle. Because products never fully live up to the promises of salespeople or the expectations of consumers, innovators must augment their products with services and supplementary products that make it do […]

Who Should Hybrid Home-school?

We present four profiles of potential hybrid home-schoolers.   In Geoffrey Moore’s Crossing the Chasm, he recommends that purveyors of new technologies create libraries of “customer characterizations,” profiles of potential users of their technology. Who might use our product? How might they use it? What problems do they need to have solved? Moore recommends that […]

Can Hybrid Home Schooling “Cross the Chasm?”

Hybrid home schooling proponents must tackle three questions to grow beyond early adopters and into the mainstream.   In 1991, Geoffrey Moore published Crossing the Chasm, a book about how new technologies get adopted. It would go on to become a massive international bestseller, selling more than 1 million print copies worldwide. In it, Moore […]

The 2019 EdChoice Yearbook Superlatives

The EdChoice team debated and dubbed this year’s yearbook superlatives, including most likely to succeed in 2019. There’s no better time to reflect on recent school choice happenings and look forward to a new year than during National School Choice Week. As we do every year, the EdChoice team got together to vote on yearbook […]

Cool Schools: Season One Roundup

Cool Schools Podcast

In our Cool Schools podcast series, EdChoice’s Director of National Research Mike McShane spotlights some—you guessed it—cool schools across the country. This series isn’t just a celebration of innovation. McShane gets in the weeds, asking school leaders all the burning questions we education geeks care about. Season One of the series wrapped last month, so […]

Four Ways Evidence Shows School Choice Can Help Teachers

From the 11-day teacher’s strike in Chicago, the nation’s third largest public school district, to a looming Statehouse protest in Indiana, teachers and their working conditions are making headlines. Teachers’ unions tend to oppose educational choice policies, but there are several ways expanding choice could actually help teachers. Here are the four big ones.   […]

Key Findings from the 2019 Schooling in America Survey

Americans’ satisfaction with K–12 education reached a 15-year high this year, according to Gallup. But do parents and teachers agree? Is there consensus among generations? Growing education reform efforts indicate there’s more under the surface. Our 2019 Schooling in America Survey with Braun Research measures American attitudes toward big issues in K–12 education and digs […]

Not All Teachers Oppose Inter-District Busing

In his recent Forbes column, my colleague Mike McShane highlighted new polling data that reveals public school teachers’ negative sentiment around inter-district busing, especially for the purposes of racial and economic integration: To be totally honest, this result surprised me. I would have guessed, perhaps prejudicially, that parents would be the most opposed and teachers […]