Research & Data

Schooling in America Series: Rural Revisited

Schooling in America Series

Since the 2016 election turned the spotlight on small town and rural Americans, the education policy world has been playing catch up to the experiences and needs of these communities. Authors in the American Enterprise Institute’s No Longer Forgotten: The Triumphs and Struggles of Rural Education in America offer insight into these communities’ educational landscapes. […]

Schooling in America Series: Parents’ Views on Accountability and School Choice

Schooling in America Series

Not long ago, school choice programs in places like Mississippi simply didn’t exist. Now, not only does the state have charter schools, two voucher programs and an education savings account program, but parents are rallying for expanding these and other choices. Are such rallies really an indication that school choice policies are popular among parents? […]

Mapping Drive Times from Private Schools in West Virginia

West Virginia families lack the diverse educational opportunities families in many other states enjoy. But if the state were to create a private school choice program, such as education savings accounts (ESAs), our new study with the Cardinal Institute shows existing West Virginia private schools would be open to participating and have thousands of open […]

Schooling in America Series: Teachers’ Views on Accountability and School Choice

Schooling in America Series

Last fall, a Florida public school teacher went viral when she released a letter decrying the state of her district’s accountability system and the view of students in the K–12 education machine. “Children are not data points,” Hicks wrote. “Teachers are not cattle herders. Yet, the district maintains an incessant and desperate need to pigeon […]

Schooling in America Series: The Public on K–12 Accountability

Schooling in America Series

Late last year, we began taking a deep dive into the results from our 2018 Schooling in America Survey, our annual snapshot of the K–12 landscape in the United States. With education committees in session and semesters in swing, we thought it would be a great time to pick things up where we left off […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Purchasing Power, 2019 Edition

States Ranked by Purchasing Power

Our team has never been shy about our focus on broad eligibility in school choice programs, but a program that’s open to all families is only as good as the purchasing power it provides those families. So how well are America’s private school choice programs funded? In this post, we rank the nation’s educational choice […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Eligibility, 2019 Edition

Ranked by Eligibility

At EdChoice, eligibility is one of the most important factors in analyzing a school choice program. We believe that all parents—regardless of geography, income or any other factor—should have access to the educational options that best fit their children’s needs. You can find specific program eligibility rates in this year’s ABCs of School Choice, or […]

U.S. States Ranked by Educational Choice Share, 2019

EdChoice Share 2018

Where are America’s students getting their education? Which types of schools and educational settings are they choosing? MID-YEAR UPDATE: With the recent release of results from the 2017–18 Private School Universe Survey, this post has been updated to include 2017–18 private school enrollment data, 2017–18 homeschooler estimates, 2016–17 charter school enrollment data, and 2016–17 public […]

The States Ranked by Spending on School Choice Programs, 2019 Edition

EdChoice Spending Share 2018

Have you ever wanted to know how much your state spends on school choice programs compared to what it spends on K–12 education as a whole? Well, you’re in luck! For the third year in a row, I’ve run the numbers and ranked the states’ spending share on private school choice programs. Don’t see your […]