Research & Data

Schooling in America Series: Getting to Know School Parents

Schooling in America Series

Parents tend to be satisfied with their local public schools but want more options for their children at the same time. That may seem like a contradiction, but years of our annual survey and participation in school choice programs help back this up.    That’s one trend that seems consistent, but parents aren’t a predictable […]

Schooling in America Series: Getting to Know Our Teachers

Schooling in America Series

This year, our annual Schooling in America Survey series put a special emphasis on those who teach in our classrooms. We surveyed 777 current public school teachers to get their general views on their profession, as well as contentious subjects in K–12 education such as state accountability systems, standardized testing and school choice reforms.    […]

Key Findings from the 2018 Schooling in America Survey

From walkouts to the Supreme Court to ballot measures, teachers and K–12 education made headlines this year. Elections can only tell us so much about what the public thinks about education matters and reforms, such as school choice. That’s why we look to polls like EdChoice’s six-years-running Schooling in America Survey, which allows us to provide a […]

America’s Public Worker Pension Crisis Hits Primetime

Pensions hit primetime. PBS recently aired an episode of Frontline that reported on public employee pensions in Kentucky. This is an issue that affects so many Americans, not only the workers who benefit from pensions, but also taxpayers that pay to help fund them. It’s also an issue that for most is probably as exciting […]

Study Finds America’s School Voucher Programs Have Saved Billions

In our latest study, EdChoice’s Director of Fiscal Policy and Analysis Marty Lueken examined the fiscal impact of voucher programs in Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia—from their inception through FY 2015—to determine whether they generated costs or savings for state and local taxpayers. Find out what […]

How Tennessee’s ESA Spending Compares to Other States

Last month, the Tennessee Department of Education released the final expense report summary and enrollment data for the first full year of the state’s education savings account (ESA) program – known as the Individualized Education Account (IEA) program. I was curious to see how proportional spending within this ESA program compared to ESA spending in […]

New Analysis Maps K–12 Schooling ‘Deserts’ in Choice-Rich Indiana

The authors of our latest report—Indiana’s Schooling Deserts—used Geographic Information System software to map families’ drive times to traditional public, magnet, charter and voucher-participating private schools. That first-of-its-kind mapping allowed us to identify where three kinds of “schooling deserts” exist: A-rated schooling deserts, meaning no A-rated schools of any kind are within a 30-minute drive […]

Mapping Drive Times from Private Schools in New Hampshire

New Hampshire already has a tax-credit scholarship and town tuitioning, and according to recent survey data, many existing New Hampshire private schools are open to participating in a general education savings account (ESA) program, another form of flexible private school choice. But where exactly are New Hampshire private schools located? Which communities have private schools, […]

New UVA Study of Limited Help in Understanding School Vouchers

I know y’all are going to find this hard to believe, but a press release touting a recent study was over the top and could lead casual readers to misunderstand the paper’s findings. Since this never happens, I’ll give you a moment to take a few deep breaths and come to grips with what happened. […]