Research & Data

Exploring Arizona’s Private Schools After Nearly Two Decades of Educational Choice

Exploring Arizona's Private Education Sector

The Grand Canyon State is a pioneer when it comes to educational choice. Arizona has been home to the nation’s first universal school choice program for nigh on two decades—the Original Individual Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program. This tax-credit scholarship program is open to all K–12 students and even some prekindergarteners. And in 2011, Arizona […]

EdChoice on the 2015 PISA Results: “Meh.”

2015 PISA Results

  Give the American K–12 education system another participation ribbon, this time for its latest results on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), a global measurement taken every three years that assesses 15-year-old students on reading, mathematics and science literacy. We came; we took the test; and we got nowhere. We certainly didn’t conquer. […]

Breaking Down “The Tax-Credit Scholarship Audit”

Breaking Down The Tax Credit Scholarship Audit by Martin Lueken

In 2014, we calculated the cumulative savings generated by America’s K–12 school voucher programs over two decades—$1.7 billion. This year, we continued that study by doing the same for seven states’ tax-credit scholarship programs, which cover 93 percent of total scholarships awarded to date. These types of school choice programs differ from school vouchers in […]

Breaking Down Our “2016 Schooling in America” Survey

2016 Schooling in America Survey

  Born between 1981 and 1997, Millennials are approximately 75 million strong, and the percentage of Millennials that make up America’s school parent population is set to grow exponentially over the next 10 years. As part of our 2016 Schooling in America Survey, we oversampled Millennials in an effort to better understand where this generation […]

Breaking Down the EdChoice “Surveying State Legislators” Report

In our Surveying State Legislators report, we share findings from a phone survey of state legislators from across the country. It’s worth noting that we believe this is the first systematic phone-only survey of this population in more than 15 years, and it is the first ever phone survey of lawmakers on how they make […]

How Nevada Can Do Right by Students by Doing Right by Teachers

NV students and teachers

In two previous posts, I discussed the fiscal impact of Nevada’s education savings account (ESA) program and how it could help the state with its problem of rising pension costs. Offering teachers pensions is by no means the problem. But most pension systems across the U.S. have been poorly designed from the start, and after […]

Top Findings From Arkansas Private School Survey

Exploring Arkansas's Private Education Sector

Arkansas is on its way to becoming a natural, actual, real, authentical educational choice lovin’ state. Just like Johnny Cash’s song character Joe Bean, I’ve never been to Arkansas. Growing up, my limited knowledge of Arkansas centered on a sunglasses-wearing, saxophone-blowing Bill Clinton. However, I got older and learned more about the Natural State, especially […]