Research & Data

Top Findings from the “Latino Perspectives” Survey

About one in four children in the U.S. today is Hispanic, and Latino children are one of the fastest growing demographics in the country, according to recent reports. As part of our 2015 Schooling in America Survey, we oversampled Latinos in an effort to better understand where this important community stands on education policies. How […]

New Research on School Segregation Shows Startling Trends

How school choice could improve school segregation

Six decades after the landmark decision of Brown v. Board of Education, many students still attend schools that are segregated by race or class. And this isn’t just a problem because greater integration is, in and of itself, a worthwhile goal for society. It’s a problem because research shows that African-American students, especially males, concentrated […]

Exploring Colorado’s Private Education Sector: Top Three Findings

Surveying Colorado's Private Schools

Hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, camping, rock climbing, mountain biking, fishing, rafting, snowboarding, spelunking—Colorado is at the top when it comes to choices for outdoor adventures. In the last few years, it has been a pioneer of recreational choices. What many people might not know, though, is that Colorado is also a pioneer when it comes to […]

Will Wisconsin School Vouchers “Drain Billions” from Public Schools?

Wisconsin has a long and rich history of school choice, with tens of thousands of families having availed themselves of the opportunities to choose by enrolling their children in private schools. However, a legitimate concern for citizens is whether Wisconsin school vouchers will siphon resources from K–12 public schools, especially given that a vast majority of […]

Top Findings from “Exploring Nevada’s Private Education Sector”

Nevada's private education sector

The creation of Nevada’s first school choice programs could be considered the “tipping point” for the private school choice movement. With legislators creating both the Educational Choice Scholarship Program and the Education Savings Accounts (ESA) program this year, Nevada became the 26th state to enact a private school choice program. Most important, the state’s ESA […]

Breaking Down the “2015 Schooling in America Survey”

With the close of another school year and a blossoming of expansive school choice programs this year comes curiosity about the progress of K–12 education in the United States. Is it advancing? Is it going well? How might it improve? Our recently released 2015 Schooling in America Survey aims to tap public opinion to answer those […]

Breaking Down “Earning Full Credit”

Indiana is a national leader in school choice. Hoosier policymakers deserve credit for adopting innovative policies that help families enroll their children in the schools that work best for them. In addition to the nearly 30,000 students who received school vouchers last year, more than 11,000 students used tax-credit scholarships to attend schools of choice, […]