Research & Data

Breaking Down “The Chartered Course”

Breaking down The Chartered Course

Is there a “tidal wave” coming for private school choice, as some have suggested? No doubt since the Wall Street Journal declared 2011 “The Year of School Choice,” policymakers’ actions creating and expanding such programs are rising—as is interest among parents. But are private education providers prepared to navigate this new environment? In The Chartered […]

Friday Freakout: Are Friedman Surveys Reliable?

are friedman surveys reliable

This week, we released our 2014 Schooling in America Survey. In it, we asked a representative sample of American adults, not just voters, their views on issues such as the state of education, school choice, Common Core State Standards, and standardized testing. Some of our fellow school choice supporters – some from the Thomas B. […]

Breaking Down “Public Rules on Private Schools”

“Regulators, mount up!”  That line from a popular western film, used later in a famous hip-hop song, is not generally thought of as one directed toward private schools. Indeed, many school choice opponents claim private schools are unregulated, particularly schools participating in voucher and tax-credit scholarship programs. But au contraire mon frères et sœurs. In examining […]

Does School Choice Rob from the Poor to Give to the Rich?

school choice rob from the poor

“…[I]t may surprise you to learn that in a growing number of states, legislators are setting aside public money to pay for private school tuition – and rich people are benefiting,” Valerie Strauss wrote last year on The Washington Post’s website.  Actually, the WaPo education writer’s class-warfare demagoguery should surprise readers more, particularly when it is […]

If You Think Expanding School Choice Is Expensive . . .

Expanding School Choice

…consider the alternative! President Obama has yet again omitted funding for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program in his recently proposed 2015 education budget. Although his reasoning is likely more philosophical than financial, his decision makes analyzing the fiscal effects of opposing school choice worthwhile. Data from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) show that taxpayers are […]

Miami Herald Misses Key Facts and Context in School Choice Takedown

Miami Herald on School Choice

Earlier this week, the Miami Herald editorialized against the proposed expansion of the highly popular Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program. The law allows businesses to receive tax credits for contributing to nonprofit scholarship funding organizations (SFOs) that aid low-income students to attend the school of their parents’ choice. Florida’s sole SFO, Step Up For Students, issued […]

Good Research vs. Bad Research

Good research vs. bad research

The holy grail of research is the causal claim. That is, if you can prove that A causes B, not that A is related to B or that A is similar to B, you can cure diseases, create rockets that leave our atmosphere, and design social programs that help people live better lives. In medicine, […]

Properly Counting Indiana’s Voucher Students, Step by Step

Indiana's Voucher Students

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) reported that 39.3 percent of voucher recipients (7,779 students) were never previously enrolled in public schools in Indiana, implying that these vouchers are an additional fiscal cost to the state because, as many are interpreting it, “those kids would have paid their way to a private school with or without […]