
BRIEF: School Choice in the States September 2015

September 2015 School Choice in the States

Colorado – Brittany Corona @BrittanyLCorona Douglas County, Colorado was awarded an extension on September 24 to seek the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that struck down the district’s Choice Scholarship voucher program. The program is a universal, district-wide school voucher program, which briefly served about 500 students in 21 schools […]

Friday Freakout: Forbes Editor Claims School Choice Kids Will Wreck Good Schools

School choice kids wreck good schools

This week Forbes published a piece by John Tamny that, in two sweeping pages, casts doubt on the ability of market forces to improve public schools, the intentions of school choice supporters, and the values of poor families. The title? “Let’s Stop Blaming Bad Teachers, And Start Blaming Bad Parents.” Sadly, Tamny isn’t the only […]

Pope Francis’ Visit Should Open Minds to School Choice

Pope Francis and school choice

For almost a week, Americans of all faiths—or of none—got a lengthy dose of a message of hope and charity. Pope Francis’ visit to the United States highlighted good will toward those in need, especially children and those with special needs. The Pope even visited a Catholic school that serves low-income students in Harlem. The […]

Will Wisconsin School Vouchers “Drain Billions” from Public Schools?

Wisconsin has a long and rich history of school choice, with tens of thousands of families having availed themselves of the opportunities to choose by enrolling their children in private schools. However, a legitimate concern for citizens is whether Wisconsin school vouchers will siphon resources from K–12 public schools, especially given that a vast majority of […]

Educational Choice for Nevada Public School Students Threatened By Lawsuit

Educational choice threatened by ACLU

Public school parents in Nevada are actively seeking ways to provide a better education for their children, as evidenced by the more than 2,800 applications submitted in just a few weeks for the state’s new, universal education savings accounts (ESAs). Despite the growing demand for ESAs among families—the most important stakeholders in public education—the American […]

Top Findings from “Exploring Nevada’s Private Education Sector”

Nevada's private education sector

The creation of Nevada’s first school choice programs could be considered the “tipping point” for the private school choice movement. With legislators creating both the Educational Choice Scholarship Program and the Education Savings Accounts (ESA) program this year, Nevada became the 26th state to enact a private school choice program. Most important, the state’s ESA […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States July 2015

school choice in the states July 2015

National The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice launched its new look and a new and improved website on July 31 to celebrate Friedman Legacy Day 2015. Check out our president and CEO’s musings on free markets, innovation, and Milton Friedman here.   Colorado – Brittany Corona @BrittanyLCorona Friedman Foundation State Programs and Government Relations Director Brittany Corona […]