Drew Catt

Andrew D. Catt is the director of state research and special projects for EdChoice. He conducts analyses on private school choice programs and conducts surveys of private school leaders and parents of school-aged children.

The States Ranked by Spending on School Choice Programs, 2021 Edition

We’re used to people freaking out whenever states consider creating private educational choice programs. The common refrain goes, “But it will drain money from our already underfunded public schools. It will break our budgets!” There are a lot of problems with the ethos and the pathos of that response worth digging into another day, but […]

U.S. States Ranked by Educational Choice Share, 2020

Where are America’s students getting their education? Which types of schools and educational settings are they choosing? END OF Q3 UPDATE: Participation data updates were made for programs in Alabama, Arizona and Florida. The percentages for Arizona changed in the table based on those updates, as did the national level percentages. I also updated the […]

What Parents Think About Getting to School During a Pandemic

I started working on a new survey project a little over a year ago—a national, cross-sector survey of parents on K–12 transportation in the United States. I wanted to know the ways transportation influences parents’ decisions regarding where to send their child(ren) to school; what parents’ major preferences, challenges and concerns related to school transportation […]

Key Findings from the Indiana School Voucher Program 2019–20 IDOE Report

Over the past few months, researchers have gotten used to state departments of education not releasing data on as regular a basis as they did pre-pandemic. They currently have their hands full figuring out what the fall might look like in their state. And I was honestly a little nervous to see the new Indiana […]