Drew Catt

Andrew D. Catt is the director of state research and special projects for EdChoice. He conducts analyses on private school choice programs and conducts surveys of private school leaders and parents of school-aged children.

Exploring Arizona’s Private Schools After Nearly Two Decades of Educational Choice

Exploring Arizona's Private Education Sector

The Grand Canyon State is a pioneer when it comes to educational choice. Arizona has been home to the nation’s first universal school choice program for nigh on two decades—the Original Individual Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program. This tax-credit scholarship program is open to all K–12 students and even some prekindergarteners. And in 2011, Arizona […]

Top Findings From Arkansas Private School Survey

Exploring Arkansas's Private Education Sector

Arkansas is on its way to becoming a natural, actual, real, authentical educational choice lovin’ state. Just like Johnny Cash’s song character Joe Bean, I’ve never been to Arkansas. Growing up, my limited knowledge of Arkansas centered on a sunglasses-wearing, saxophone-blowing Bill Clinton. However, I got older and learned more about the Natural State, especially […]

How the Friedman Foundation Estimates Educational Choice Program Eligibility

Educational Choice Program Eligibility

If you have ever seen a sentence on the Friedman Foundation website along the lines of “You Might Be Eligible For [a specific education savings account program],” or “You Might Not Be Eligible For [a specific voucher program],” then you have probably taken an educational choice eligibility test. The easier to design eligibility tests ask […]

Exploring Nebraska’s Private Education Sector: Top Three Findings

Exploring Nebraska's Private Education Sector

Growing up, the only things I knew about Nebraska were Cornhusker football and Tom Osborne (which are synonymous in most people’s minds). When I was older, I bought a steer that was raised in Nebraska at a 4-H auction, where I learned more about Nebraskan farming. Now every June, I eagerly anticipate (virtually) travelling to […]

Exploring Colorado’s Private Education Sector: Top Three Findings

Surveying Colorado's Private Schools

Hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, camping, rock climbing, mountain biking, fishing, rafting, snowboarding, spelunking—Colorado is at the top when it comes to choices for outdoor adventures. In the last few years, it has been a pioneer of recreational choices. What many people might not know, though, is that Colorado is also a pioneer when it comes to […]

Top Findings from “Exploring Nevada’s Private Education Sector”

Nevada's private education sector

The creation of Nevada’s first school choice programs could be considered the “tipping point” for the private school choice movement. With legislators creating both the Educational Choice Scholarship Program and the Education Savings Accounts (ESA) program this year, Nevada became the 26th state to enact a private school choice program. Most important, the state’s ESA […]

A New Look at Data from the Nation’s Largest School Choice Program

School vouchers in Indiana

Indiana’s statewide school choice program is either incredibly controversial or wildly popular, depending on with whom one speaks. To the former, vouchers only help the rich. And sometimes with the latter, it is suggested only families in “poor-performing” public schools use the freedom to choose in education. Thankfully, facts exist to respond to such opinions. This […]

Keeping Up with Indiana Private Schools of Choice

Indiana could be considered the “pace car” in the private school choice race among states. But as any racing fan will know, not all tracks are the same, which is why the Friedman Foundation launched its School Survey Series to examine states’ private education sectors, starting with Indiana. Exploring Indiana’s Private Education Sector synthesizes information collected […]