Drew Catt

Andrew D. Catt is the director of state research and special projects for EdChoice. He conducts analyses on private school choice programs and conducts surveys of private school leaders and parents of school-aged children.

What’s in “The School Starter Checklist”?

What is the School Starter Checklist?

 “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” – Nolan Bushnell, founder of […]

Breaking Down “Public Rules on Private Schools”

“Regulators, mount up!”  That line from a popular western film, used later in a famous hip-hop song, is not generally thought of as one directed toward private schools. Indeed, many school choice opponents claim private schools are unregulated, particularly schools participating in voucher and tax-credit scholarship programs. But au contraire mon frères et sœurs. In examining […]

Does School Choice Rob from the Poor to Give to the Rich?

school choice rob from the poor

“…[I]t may surprise you to learn that in a growing number of states, legislators are setting aside public money to pay for private school tuition – and rich people are benefiting,” Valerie Strauss wrote last year on The Washington Post’s website.  Actually, the WaPo education writer’s class-warfare demagoguery should surprise readers more, particularly when it is […]

Another Way to Save for College?

saving for college ESA

Let’s get hypothetical: What could happen if every student in Arizona had access to education savings accounts (ESAs), called Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, and used the unspent funds to save for college? For those not yet familiar with the program, ESAs offer parents government-authorized savings accounts loaded with 90 percent of their child’s state education dollars. Whether […]