
America’s School Choice Programs Ranked By Eligibility, 2016 Edition

School Choice Eligibility Rankings

At the Friedman Foundation, our goal for any school choice program is universal eligibility. We believe that all parents—regardless of ZIP Code, income, or any other factors—should have access to flexible educational options. You can find specific program eligibility rates in this year’s ABCs of School Choice, or check out this comprehensive list for programs […]

What You Need to Know About “The ABCs of School Choice” 2016 Edition

The ABCs of School Choice Cover Image

Since the launch of the nation’s first modern school choice program in 1990, nationwide participation in school choice has grown leaps and bounds—by 115,301 percent! Today, there are 59 school choice programs in 28 states and Washington, D.C., each with its own design, history, and statistics. To help make differentiating and learning from individual programs […]

The Five Best and Worst School Choice Moments of 2015

Top and Bottom Five School Choice Moments of 2015

Best 1. Nevada enacted two educational choice programs. We predicted in 2014 that Nevada would be the state “most likely to succeed” in becoming a new school choice state in 2015. We were right, but Nevada’s success far exceeded our expectations. The state passed not one, but two educational choice programs. It became the 26th […]

The Best of Friedman Foundation Blog Posts: 2015 Edition

Top 10 Friedman Foundation Blog Posts

What did our blog readers view and enjoy most this past year? We dug into our analytics to see which Friedman Foundation posts were most loved. Enjoy reading—or maybe re-reading—2015’s top content. If your favorite post is missing from the list, share it on social media to boost its visibility!   Top 10 Most Visited […]

Happy Holidays from the Friedman Foundation

At this time of year, we like to highlight stories of families who have felt the impact of educational choice programs. This year, we talked to two Indiana families about their journeys with school choice.   The Ito Family – A School Choice Success In our Thanksgiving 2014 blog post, we highlighted one school here […]

Friday Freakout: Are Lawsuits Against School Choice Options About Kids or Control?

Lawsuits About School Choice Image

The news has been abuzz with educational choice litigation developments the past few weeks. Amicus briefs have been filed to defend Nevada’s nearly universal education savings accounts and Douglas County, Colorado’s school vouchers. A judge protected New Hampshire’s town tuitioning program. And some school districts are suing to end charter school options in California. Very […]

An Educational Choice Thanksgiving, 2015

Now is the time of year when we remind ourselves why we’re thankful. In 2013, we highlighted some families who are grateful for their choice schools. Last year, we highlighted two schools who are grateful to serve children using school choice programs. This year, we’re sharing the personal stories of three families who are thankful […]

Friday Freakout: Responding to “Why White Parents Won’t Choose Black Schools”

Why white parents don't choose black schools

“You don’t want to make the same choice I made. That must make you (fill in the blank).” In an atmosphere where statements like that are the dominant rhetoric, it’s hard to have a real, productive conversation about educational choices. In today’s freakout, we endeavor to nonetheless. Last month, Atlanta-area teacher and mom Abby Norman […]

The Friedman Foundation Thanks America’s Veterans

The Friedman Foundation Thanks America's Veterans

In order for choice to work, individuals must be free to make choices. And for individuals to have that freedom, others must defend it. Today, the Friedman Foundation extends our utmost gratitude and support to America’s veterans, who have defended our freedom to choose in so many areas of our lives. We also recognize and […]

Top Findings from the “Latino Perspectives” Survey

About one in four children in the U.S. today is Hispanic, and Latino children are one of the fastest growing demographics in the country, according to recent reports. As part of our 2015 Schooling in America Survey, we oversampled Latinos in an effort to better understand where this important community stands on education policies. How […]