
Friday Freakout: Forbes Editor Claims School Choice Kids Will Wreck Good Schools

School choice kids wreck good schools

This week Forbes published a piece by John Tamny that, in two sweeping pages, casts doubt on the ability of market forces to improve public schools, the intentions of school choice supporters, and the values of poor families. The title? “Let’s Stop Blaming Bad Teachers, And Start Blaming Bad Parents.” Sadly, Tamny isn’t the only […]

Breaking Down the “2015 Schooling in America Survey”

With the close of another school year and a blossoming of expansive school choice programs this year comes curiosity about the progress of K–12 education in the United States. Is it advancing? Is it going well? How might it improve? Our recently released 2015 Schooling in America Survey aims to tap public opinion to answer those […]

School Choice Could Alleviate Worry from New Population Trend

In 2030, the population of people dependent upon our most expensive tax-funded services—education and senior healthcare—likely will be the highest it’s ever been in American history.  Those increases in population will occur for a couple reasons: 1. Baby Boomers are retiring, and 2. The K-12 student population will continue to grow, exceeding that of the […]

Friday Freakout: What Teachers Say about School Choice vol. 2

What teachers say about school choice

We’re back this week with the second installment of this series, which features Facebook feedback we regularly receive from teachers across the country. In our first post on the topic, we said, “Our ultimate hope is teachers, many of whom might be reading right now, will see that we aren’t all talk. We do listen. […]

Friday Freakout: Does School Choice Destroy Democracy in Education?

Does school choice destroy democracy

Today’s freakout comes to us from the comments section of The Atlantic article, “Saving School Choice Without Undermining Poor Communities,” and it concerns how implementing a school choice system would affect democracy in education by changing the ability of taxpayers and communities to influence public education. Check out how this conversation got started below. Kryten8 […]

Friday Freakout: Does Supporting School Choice Mean Hating Public School?

Does supporting school choice mean hating public schools?

Does the Arizona legislature hate public schools? Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts says it does. Her proof: Senate Bill 1434, which would expand eligibility for Arizona’s education savings accounts (ESAs) to include students on district and charter school waiting lists.  Under Arizona’s ESA law, the state takes 90 percent of the funds it would have […]

Friday Freakout: How to Debate School Choice with a Public School Superintendent

How to Debate School Choice with a Public School Superintendent

Today’s freakout comes to us from Twitter, where we were excited to chat with a public school superintendent who is an active fighter of school choice programs. Dr. Jason Glass is the Superintendent of Eagle County Schools in Colorado. Here are helpful resources to learn more about Eagle County as well as the local debate […]

Friday Freakout: Buy School Choice Week Because of Evidence, Not Hearsay

The real scoop on School Choice Week

Today’s freakout comes from a reblog at the anti-school choice National Education Policy Center (NEPC), which is funded in part by the two largest national teachers’ unions. In it, author P.L. Thomas makes many claims that would get any school choice supporter’s hackles up. Instead, we decided to examine each from a practical perspective.   1. […]