
A School Choice Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving is upon us, and last year, we highlighted a few families who are thankful for the educational opportunities school choice has afforded their children. This year, we’d like to highlight a couple schools of choice that are thankful to serve children using the country’s largest school voucher program, Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program. Horizon School […]

Friday Freakout: What Teachers Say to School Choice Advocates vol. 1

What teachers say to school choice

Our previous two blog posts on how top-down reforms are not market reform and how school choice actually increases demand for educators garnered a lot of attention from public school teachers on Facebook. As it’s one of our goals to listen and learn from more educators, we were excited so many were willing to take […]

Where Governors Stand on School Choice 2014

where governors stand on school choice

With the 2014 elections over—well, almost over—those interested in school choice may be wondering what the results mean for that education reform policy. Although news headlines have been focused primarily on the U.S. Senate, we wanted to take a closer look at the results from this year’s 36 state gubernatorial races given that education is—and […]

Friday Freakout: A Witchy Scare Tactic Against School Choice

scare tactic against school choice

This week’s Friday Freakout is a blast from the past, bringing up an old, spooky scare tactic against school choice still used today (though with different masks).  The freakout comes from 1993, in the San Francisco Chronicle’s “Witch school could bring toil and trouble.” That story noted how a “coven of witches” said they would […]

Friday Freakout: Denying Teachers’ Unions Actions Against Parent Options

teachers unions actions against parent options

Teachers’ unions represent some of our most respected community members—an undeniable truth. So too can it be said that unions sometimes work to block school choice programs. One commenter, whose overall opinion on the matter is shared by many, disagrees in today’s freakout, from the Florida Herald-Tribune’s “School Board race sees influx of dollars.” In […]

Friday Freakout: What to Do with Struggling Schools

What to do with struggling schools

This week’s Vice.com article, “The Paradox of School Choice,” tells the story of a young couple who, despite the premium they pay in home costs, still found it difficult to enroll their younger brother in their (at-capacity) public school of choice. Even in Ohio’s educational environment, which ranks in the top 10 states of the […]

Friday Freakout: Just Run for School Board if Your School Isn’t Working

Just run for school board

Instead of a “Friday Freakout,” consider this a financial freakout over the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program—as this exchange was prompted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s “Study contends voucher program save money, benefit public schools”: As an organization “solely dedicated to advancing…school choice for all children,” obviously we at the Friedman Foundation agree wholeheartedly with gabbyhayes—who […]

Breaking Down “The School Voucher Audit”

Breaking Down The School Voucher Audit

Students transferring to private schools using publicly funded vouchers saved participating states more than $1.7 billion over a 20-year period. Here’s how: From 1990 to 2011, students in six states and Washington, D.C., received $2.8 billion in voucher funds to attend private schools of choice. In making that choice, those students also relieved public schools […]

Friday Freakout: Which Three-Step Plan is Best for American Education?

Which plan is best for American education?

The American Enterprise Institute released a video this week featuring Michael Q. McShane promoting his book which outlines his three-step plan to an American education marketplace that would meet the needs of more children.  Today’s freakout comes from joenuevo, who has a different three-step solution. It’s important to note that we haven’t highlighted joenuevo’s comment […]