
Friday Freakout: Young Teachers’ Opinions Can’t Be Taken Seriously

are young teachers credible

Today’s freakout comes from the comments section of Nicholas Simmons’ recent op-ed in The Wall Street Journal entitled, “What I’ve Learned Teaching Charter Students.” Simmons has taught math for two years at New York City’s Success Academy charter school. In his piece, he shares about his students and their outcomes, but the ultimate messages are:  […]

Friday Freakout: Private Christian Schools are Corrupt

This week’s post comes from Monday’s POLITICO story titled “Special report: Taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom.” The piece was not lacking in reader feedback: more than 14,000 comments so far. One such comment—which does not appear to be in response to any other posts—reads as follows: 66gardeners promoted the very poor judgment among Pasadena […]

Friday Freakout: School Choice Supporters Only Want Choice on Their Terms

Today’s freakout comes to us from the comments of a post entitled “School reformers love ‘choice,’ except when…,” which appeared this week on Valerie Strauss’ Washington Post blog The Answer Sheet. We’ll cut to the chase. This is a classic example of: EduMomma see. EduMomma do. Strauss and many others are using their access to […]

Friday Freakout: High-Stakes Tests Leading to Chinese Education Model

high-stakes tests

Our topic of focus today comes to us from the comments section of an Indianapolis Star article called, “Diane Ravitch’s opposition to accountability isn’t realistic.” Check out this impassioned public school teacher’s take: School choice opponents often say, as Diane Ravitch has, that choice proponents are just “corporate reformers” who aim to push high-stakes tests on […]

Friday Freakout: Parents Should Be Seen, Not Heard

When our president and CEO, Robert Enlow, participated in a policy forum with Diane Ravitch last Friday in Indianapolis, the audience of more than 1,000 literally hissed at the topic of school choice. The experience was passionately one-sided—no doubt many public educators comprised the audience. Nevertheless, we learned a great deal from that night.  One […]

Funding Cuts for Programs That Send More Kids to Graduation AND College?

School Choice and Funding Cuts

The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program has provided school vouchers to more than 15,000 students and helped them attain better academic outcomes since 2004. The President wants to cut funding for the program despite his own administration’s evaluation of it, which the Department of Education gave its highest rating for scientific rigor. Here are key findings […]

Friday Freakout: Your Disabled Kid, Your Problem

This week the Mississippi Press posted a story entitled “Parents push for Mississippi special education vouchers.” The article, which is actually about an education savings account (ESA) bill, is straightforward, but be warned: Two commentators in the story’s sound-off section hit hard. The fact of the matter is government has agreed to adequately fund children […]

Friday Freakout: Is School Choice Racist?

A misconception we have seen multiple times is the relationship between school choice and race. This veteran’s recent tweet is just one example: If RickJarHead and others truly believe school choice supporters subscribe to Wallace’s segregationist views, perhaps choicers are not doing a good enough job promoting the research surrounding school choice’s effects on people […]

Friday Freakout: All Kids with Special Needs Are Thriving in Public Schools

In light of the great strides two education savings accounts (ESA) bills made just yesterday, today’s Friday Freakout comes to you from Mississippi. In a local news story about Mississippi’s ESA bills, the Executive Director of the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents was quoted saying this. “I think special needs kids are being provided for,” […]

Friday Freakout: School Choice is a Secret Republican Ruse

Salon.com is known for posting anti-school choice pieces. This week, “Creationism, at taxpayer expense: Secrets of the GOP’s frightening new school voucher schemes” appeared in their headlines. Sadly, we weren’t surprised to see the comments section riddled with people repeating these “points”: Many school choice supporters have reacted defensively to this type of feedback, resorting […]