
Friday Freakout: School Choice Funds Creationist Agenda

You might have seen Slate’s article and map showing all of the schools in America that teach creationism and receive public funds in some capacity. As one might expect, it stirred up a classic debate that truly does get vicious, but what we found most interesting was this anti-creationist’s post in the comments. In reality, […]

The Friedman Foundation on Filling Private School Seats

Filling Private School Seats

(Posted in response to a guest post by Anna J. Egalite entitled “How to Maximize Private School Supply in Choice Programs.”) Among America’s private school choice programs, the Louisiana Scholarship Program has some of, if not the, most restrictive application processes for voucher students and voucher-accepting private schools. Its administrators determine 1) which private schools can […]

Slate “Creates” New Issue with School Choice

School Choice and Creationism

Slate already posted a correction to its story that takes issue with school choice, “Publicly Funded Schools That Are Allowed to Teach Creationism.” Now it could use some context. Private schools accepting voucher or tax-credit scholarship students are not “publicly funded schools” any more than grocery stores that accept SNAP card users are publicly funded. But […]

Friday Freakout: Do It to Your Own Children, Not Other People’s

Today’s Friday Freakout comes from the heated comments section of Diane Ravitch’s blog titled,“How Embarrassing for the Friedman Foundation.” We responded to her blog post here, but something very interesting happened in the comments section between Diane and school choice supporter Greg. See the exchange below, then read our final thoughts. Two of the most […]

Friday Freakout: School Choice Doesn’t Work Because Private, Charter Schools Don’t Do Any Better at Improving Student Outcomes

private schools improving student outcomes

Following Eric Cantor’s speech about school choice last week, The Washington Post published an article called “Eric Cantor and Bill de Blasio exchange fire over schools”. One exchange in the comments section claiming that private and charter schools aren’t better at improving student outcomes serves as a perfect example of how common it is for […]

Friday Freakout: Teacher Licenses Are Like Doctor Licenses

Today’s featured commenters come from the comments section of a Huffington Post piece called “Debbie Squires, Education Official, Says Teachers Know What’s Best For Kids, Not Their Parents”. More and more people are debating the true value of colleges of education and teacher licenses. Regardless, we believe when all families have school choice, they will choose […]

Top 10 School Choice Moments in 2013

School Choice Moments in 2013

TOP FIVE 1. Pro-voucher candidates win suburban school board election. In November 2013, pro-school choice candidates seeking to keep or gain seats on Colorado’s Douglas County school board won in a highly contested race. In 2011, after “DougCo” school board members enacted a series of education reforms, including a universally available school voucher program, unions […]

Happy Holidays from the Friedman Foundation

This year, the Friedman Foundation staff wants to celebrate the stories of some families who have benefited from school choice. From Georgia, Joyce Cordell-Huff Very often, generous people support worthy causes without ever really knowing just how much difference their contribution made in the lives of individuals. Our family wants to go on record for […]

Friday Freakout: Parents are Ignorant About Good Education

This week’s featured freakout comes from the comments section of a Washington Post op-ed by Valerie Strauss called “‘White suburban mom’ responds to Arne Duncan”. The assumption that parents are ignorant of the difference between a bad or good education in terms of their own children is one we hear often. A Friedman Foundation report proves […]

Friday Freakout: Commenters Working Together?

A respectful exchange appearing in the comments section of any website is a rarity, which is why we felt compelled to share this one. It comes from a Politico story called “Teachers unions face moment of truth”. Check it out and tell us about your experience speaking with someone with different views. Looking to have […]