
Our #schoolchoiceWISH: That School Choice Opponents Would Answer This Question Already

The Friedman Foundation team reaches out to school choice opponents regularly on Twitter (@edchoice). Our intention is always to listen to different opinions and have a meaningful conversation. One question that school choice opponents continually skirt is: If your child’s safety were at risk in your zoned public school, what would you do? Why do they refuse to […]

Friday Freakout: Active Parents are Just Annoying

Today’s freakout comes from an anonymous Circle of Moms community entry titled “Why are parents so mean to teachers?” Take a look and read our take on this exchange below. Opponents of school choice say time and again that one of the key solutions for improving America’s education system is getting parents involved, yet many […]

Friday Freakout: Private Schools Have “Cut Rate Teachers”

Welcome to our new series, where every Friday we highlight online comments from stories we see posted by people impassioned about education. This week’s exchange comes from the comments section of the well-known Politico story, “Vouchers don’t do much for students,” and how some readers reacted to private school teachers. Have a look and tell […]

Testing Educational Justice

Is high-stakes testing the best option for kids?

In “Spinning America’s Report Card,” Paul E. Peterson and Eric A. Hanushek wrote “…progress for American children came to a halt when the Obama administration stopped focusing on student test scores….” In today’s Wall Street Journal, the authors of the Friedman Foundation’s More Than Scores report, Jim Kelly and Ben Scafidi, provide a different perspective on […]

The Friedman Foundation Thanks America’s Veterans

veterans and choice

For choice to work, one must be free to make it. And for there to be freedom, another must be there to defend it. For being free to choose in so many aspects of our lives, the Friedman Foundation team extends our utmost gratitude and support to America’s veterans. For their benefit, we also applaud […]

Douglas County Colorado Voters Choose School Choice

Douglas County CO school choice

Last night in a highly contested election, the four school choice candidates running to return to or join Colorado’s Douglas County School Board won. Although some headlines have focused on Jeb Bush’s, a Koch-funded nonprofit’s, and the teachers unions’ involvement in the race, it was the late Milton Friedman that prompted board members to dramatically reform […]

Friedman: School Choice is Effective

effects of school choice

In reaction to our survey of Iowa voters, the University of Iowa’s independent student newspaper, The Daily Iowan, cast out some enticing bait in Jon Overton’s editorial “School choice isn’t effective”: “School choice is an insidiously popular option for trying to reform the education system. People like to think they’re in control, especially parents. And […]

What’s “Wrong” with School Choice?

debates about school choice

American education would be far better off if, instead of asking that question, more school leaders asked “What’s so wrong with my school that makes parents want to leave?” But rather than do that, in May, David A. Pickler used Louisiana as a case in point for “what’s wrong” with school choice. The only problem is, events […]