
BRIEF: School Choice in the States, January 2017

January 2017 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Arizona SB 1431, a bill that would expand the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts to near-universal eligibility, was introduced to the Arizona legislature last month. The bill was referred to both the Senate Education Committee and the Rules Committee. Arkansas HB 1222, a bill that would create a tax credit-funded education savings account program, […]

The 2017 EdChoice Yearbook Superlatives

superlatives feature image

The EdChoice team has put in its votes for this year’s educational choice yearbook superlatives, and these are our winners. Enjoy.   Most Empowering Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program Our team weighed purchasing power, funding stream stability and the ability of parents to use their funds flexibly to determine the educational choice program that empowers the […]

How “The ABCs of School Choice” Handbook Can Work for You

Whether you’re a policymaker or a thought leader who’s interested in educational choice, our flagship publication is designed to help make your job easier. How can The ABCs of School Choice handbook work for you? Check out its features in the short demo below. And don’t forget to pre-order your print copy to have while […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States December 2016

January 2017 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Georgia Leslie Hiner worked with outside counsel and, on December 15, 2016, filed an amicus brief with the Georgia Supreme Court in support of the state’s tax-credit scholarship program and the right of Georgia parents to choose the best possible education for their children. EdChoice argues that significant empirical evidence supports educational […]

The Power of Educational Choice

Jordan Visser

The holiday season is a time for celebrating goodwill, kindness, generosity and, most important, family. In that spirit, we’re sharing three stories that highlight not just the moral imperative of educational choice, but also some amazing families. Happy holidays, EdChoicers! Enjoy.   The Visser Family Katherine and Christo Visser and their 10-year-old her son Jordan […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States November 2016

November 2016 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION There are no state updates this month regarding school choice program legislation or litigation developments.   IN OTHER NEWS -Although news headlines have focused primarily on the presidential race, our team took a closer look at the election results from this year’s 12 state gubernatorial races. Click to find out where America’s […]

The Next Accountability Series Roundup

Greg Forster

  One of the most important questions in K–12 education is: Who should hold whom accountable for what, and how? Warring factions have been fighting over the answer for decades with little progress, and the debates only continue to heat up now as the nation’s new president prepares to take office. What might bring us […]

Friday Freakout: What School Choice Opponents Are Missing When They Focus Only on Funding

friday freakout what opponents are missing when they focus only on money

  The Center for Evaluation & Education Policy at Indiana University recently released a report analyzing the design and fiscal effects of K–12 school voucher programs in six states, including Indiana. The report relies on several pieces of original EdChoice research, and we appreciate those references. What’s unfortunate about this report and others like it […]

Where Governors Stand on School Choice

where governors stand on school choice

With the 2016 elections over—well, almost over—many are wondering what it all means for the future of educational choice policies. Although news headlines have focused primarily on the presidential race, our team took a closer look at the results from this year’s 12 state gubernatorial races. After all, education is—and always should be—a local issue. […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States October 2016

school choice in the states October 2016

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Nevada In light of the Nevada Supreme Court’s Sept. 29 ruling that the legislature did not adequately appropriate funding for their best-in-the-nation education savings account (ESA) program, Attorney General Adam Laxalt, State Treasurer Dan Schwartz, Sen. Scott Hammond, state legislators, numerous state and community leaders and hundreds of parents urged Gov. Brian […]