Greg Forster

Greg Forster, Ph.D. is a Friedman fellow with EdChoice. He conducts research and writes on school choice policy. Forster has conducted empirical studies on the impact of school choice programs in Milwaukee, Ohio, Florida and Texas, as well as national empirical studies comparing public and private schools in terms of working conditions for teachers, ethnic segregation and teacher and staff misconduct. He also has conducted empirical studies of other education topics, including charter schools, accountability testing, graduation rates, student demographics and special education.

What the Data Show on School Choice and Segregation

School Choice and Segregation

Note: This post was originally published on Education Next. The Century Foundation has published a report by Halley Potter that claims private school choice will increase ethnic segregation in schools. Although the text of the report constantly invokes words like “evidence,” “studies” and “data,” its conclusions are actually defended almost entirely by appeal to a lengthy […]

The Next Accountability Part 5: How We Get What We Want

Greg Forster

  District schools, charter schools and private schools, and the teachers who educate within them, need accountability if they’re going to perform their best. The technocratic paradigm of accountability—testing-driven centralization of control—can’t deliver the educational outcomes that matter most. Because technocracy doesn’t build on the things we have in common as human beings and fellow […]

The Next Accountability Part 4: Who We Are

Greg Forster

The crisis over accountability in the education reform movement is revealing that we lack a basis for building consensus on what makes a good education. Without at least some limited amount of consensus, the crisis will remain unresolved; perpetual political conflict over what we want from schools will be our fate. We can find such […]

The Next Accountability Part 3: What We Don’t Want from Schools

Greg Forster

In this series we have been looking at some uncomfortable truths about education policy. In this installment we’re going to look at how the education reform movement has avoided confronting these truths, and how that has contributed to its current impasse over accountability. It’s understandable that we aren’t eager to face these challenging issues, but […]

The Next Accountability Part 2: Where We Get What We Want

Greg Forster

In our society we are free to disagree about what is good, true and beautiful, and as a result we lack consensus about what is a good education. Since education policy cannot avoid saying something about what is good, we need to develop an approach to school accountability that points toward a free community where […]

The Next Accountability Part 1: What We Want

The Next Accountability

Accountability begins with the question: What do we want from schools? Education should help people grow into their potential as human beings, and education reform should fix our system so schools do that better. That means accountability needs to start with an understanding of how we help people grow into their human potential. The lack […]

The Next Accountability: Getting What We Want from Schools – Without Technocracy

The Next Accountability

For decades, the word “accountability” brought education reformers together. Today, it’s driving us apart. Our forefathers built the education reform movement on a foundation that all reformers shared: We need to hold schools accountable, so they’ll give kids the education we want them to get. Now we’re discovering cracks in the foundation. It turns out […]