James Shuls

James V. Shuls is an assistant professor of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. He was previously the director of Education Policy at the Show-Me Institute.

The Object of Our Taxation

Roots of Educational Freedom

This is the third in a larger blog series about liberating education through educational freedom. In his 1958 book Freedom of Choice in Education, Father Virgil Blum stated, “It is fundamental that the state’s educational obligations are not to institutions and systems; its obligations are to children—the individual children of the state. Educational institutions are […]

The Roots of Educational Freedom

Roots of Educational Freedom

This is the second in a larger blog series about liberating education through educational freedom. There is a strange notion going around that school choice advocates are on the retreat or at the very least have pivoted from long-held reasons for supporting choice. Those promoting this theory are mistakenly focused on just one small piece […]

Liberating Education

Roots of Educational Freedom

As we head into a new year with new opportunities to expand educational choice for families across America, it’s appropriate to take a moment to reflect on the school choice movement and the changes still needed to create a K–12 system that works for all students. This is the first in a larger blog series […]

Friday Freakout: School Choice is UnAmerican

Should taxpayers be compelled to fund schools that teach concepts that support “junk science” or violate their convictions?  Teacher/blogger Peter Greene thinks that is un-American, and he followed up a few days later on the Huffington Post to claim that as his fifth reason “conservatives should hate school choice.” So here I am, back to […]

Friday Freakout: Should Conservatives Support School Choice?

There are many ways to argue a point. The best method is to make your claim with well-reasoned logic and compelling evidence. This is not the method teacher/blogger Peter Greene used in his recent Huffington Post piece “Why Conservatives Should Hate School Choice.” Instead, he attempts to use a “Jedi Mind Trick.” He waves his hand […]