Jennifer Wagner

Jennifer currently serves as Vice President of Communications for RISE INDY. She is a former newspaper reporter who has worked in numerous communications roles over the past 15 years, including positions within state and federal government. She also worked for several years as spokesperson for the Indiana Democratic Party and has experience on a number of issue-based and political campaigns.

Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive: Perspectives of Black K-12 Parents (March 2021)

In February, EdChoice increased our sampling of Black K–12 school parents to better understand their unique perspectives, experiences, concerns and preferences. Those views—particularly when it comes to education and schooling—can be very unique compared to other groups in the country, and reflecting information from which we all can learn. This work is part of our […]

Where The Governors Stand On School Choice 2020

Keep in mind that past support or opposition to K-12 private school choice does not mean a proposal will succeed or fail, but a governor’s position serves as a likely indicator of what will happen if a bill reaches his or her desk.  If you think one of our ratings is incorrect, please contact, […]

Survey: But What About The Kids?

The debate over schools reopening during the pandemic has included a great deal of feedback from educators and parents. We’re not hearing as much from the students themselves. How are they feeling? Are they worried about catching the virus—and what do they think about safety protocol? Do they prefer remote learning or coming back to […]

What to Do About ‘Bad Parents’ in K–12 Education

“This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble.” Those are the words of a lawmaker in New Hampshire advocating the repeal of an alternative schooling program […]

Top Five Questions About Teacher Pay

Teacher pay has made lots of headlines the last couple years, with educators in Illinois and Indiana among the latest to take action to up their salaries. Because K-12 funding is so complicated, we thought it would be a good time to throw out the Top Five questions we get asked about pay. Some of […]

The School Choice Landscape Following the 2018 Election

After the recent mid-term election, we published our analysis of newly elected and re-elected governors and where they stand on the issue of private school choice. We also saw changes at the state legislative level that could have implications for educational choice. What do the election results mean in states that have existing school choice […]

Where Governors Stand on School Choice 2018

where governors stand on school choice

Wondering where the nation’s newly elected or re-elected governors stand on education reform—and specifically on the issue of private school choice? We’ve collected their public and campaign statements here.  Keep in mind that past support or opposition to K-12 private school choice does not mean a proposal will succeed or fail, but a governor’s position serves as a likely […]