Jennifer Wagner

Jennifer currently serves as Vice President of Communications for RISE INDY. She is a former newspaper reporter who has worked in numerous communications roles over the past 15 years, including positions within state and federal government. She also worked for several years as spokesperson for the Indiana Democratic Party and has experience on a number of issue-based and political campaigns.

Has School Choice Become a Purple America Issue?

Has School Choice Become a Purple America Issue?

Gallup, one of the most trusted household names in national polling, recently asked Americans whether they agreed, disagreed or didn’t know enough to have an opinion about 15 of President Trump’s proposals or actions. School choice was one of the issues, and on the surface, the results weren’t all that surprising: 59 percent of Americans […]

Friday Freakout: Are Schools that Use Marketing Tactics Bad?

Are schools that use marketing tactics bad

As someone who experienced the 1990s as a teenager, I’ll confess that I listened to my share of Dave Matthews Band. In one song, backed by light guitar and keyboard, Mr. Matthews opines about “a typical situation in these typical times: too many choices.”  That line popped into my head when I recently read about a […]

Progressive to Progressive: Scare Tactics Won’t Work

progressive tactics

Anyone who’s ever worked in politics can tell you it’s far easier to be against something than to be for something. When I was a carefree 20-something working as the Communications Director for the Indiana Democratic Party, I helped craft and deliver opposition messaging that helped a number of Democrats prevail on Election Day. It […]