John Kristof

John M. Kristof serves as a Senior Research Analyst with the Research and Thought Leadership team at EdChoice. His research interests lie in understanding the intricate relationships between school choice and various stakeholders, including students, families, public schools, and education reformers. John frequently authors original research and writing, studies school choice programs, designs and analyzes public opinion and user experience surveys, and oversees the organization's choice program data collection efforts. John has shared EdChoice’s expertise by presenting research in diverse settings, engaging with audiences ranging from state legislators to education researchers to education reformers. John's affiliations include membership in organizations such as the Association for Education Finance and Policy, the Association for Public Policy and Management, and the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research.

Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive: Teen Perspectives

The process toward reopening schools appears to be reaching a turning point. The Department of Education’s National Safe School Reopening Summit, broadcast March 24, discussed strategies and updated CDC recommendations for schools to reopen safely. With the Institute for Education Sciences’ (IES) first monthly school survey released in March, we have much greater clarity about […]

Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive: Perspectives of Black K-12 Parents (February 2021)

There is no question Black students and families in America are collectively experiencing learning disruptions differently than other groups. Journalists have reported on particular mental and emotional challenges Black students face in K–12 education. Trust appears to be eroding between school officials, teachers, and Black families, and Black parents appear to be less trusting of […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways February 2021

With most schools now more than halfway through this admittedly bizarre school year, it’s time for us to check in with another update of our monthly poll tracking poll. You can browse the full reports as well as our national and state dashboards, which illustrate public opinion on various educational issues at the beginning of […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways January 2021

With another successful National School Choice Week in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to check in on our latest monthly tracking poll results. You can browse the full reports as well as our national and state dashboards, which illustrate public opinion on various educational issues at the beginning of the new year, at the EdChoice […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Participation, 2021 Edition

The 2021 edition of The ABCs of School Choice is officially live and available for orders, and in it, we provide the most recent participation data available for every private school choice program in America and much more. In this post, we rank all of those programs by participant counts at the time of this […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Eligibility, 2021 Edition

At EdChoice, eligibility is one of the most important factors in analyzing a school choice program. We believe that all parents—regardless geography, income, or any other factor—should have access to the educational options that best fit their children’s needs. You can find specific program eligibility rates in this year’s ABCs of School Choice, or check out […]

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Purchasing Power, 2021 Edition

How well are America’s private school choice programs funded? In this post, we rank the nation’s educational choice programs by purchasing power based on data in the 2021 edition of The ABCs of School Choice. To rank programs by purchasing power, we compare each program’s most recent per-pupil spending to the state’s (plus D.C.’s and […]

Reducing Higher Ed Debt: K-12 Education Savings Accounts Can Help Beyond K-12

There’s a national conversation right now about whether or not lawmakers should cancel student loan debt­—and how much they should consider wiping out. President-elect Biden has suggested canceling up to $10,000 per student; other federal policymakers have urged canceling $50,000 per person. Both plans face challenges. Most notably, canceling $10,000 of student debt per borrower […]

EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker: Top Takeaways November 2020

This week, we’ve posted reports based on our most recent survey results that are now posted on EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker. Below are eight key findings from our most recent monthly tracking poll, which is conducted by Morning Consult. Our survey was based on a nationally representative sample of adults 18 years and older in […]