Martin Lueken

Martin Lueken is director of EdChoice’s Fiscal Research and Education Center (FREC). He joined EdChoice in 2015. His work and research cover areas including education choice, school funding, and teacher pensions. Marty’s expertise and advice help policy makers, researchers, and stakeholders understand the fiscal impact of current school choice programs and potential fiscal effects of programs introduced in state legislatures. He has provided expert testimony and advice about fiscal issues for numerous states that have introduced education choice legislation. His work has been mentioned in various media and education-specific outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Education Next, Education Week, and The 74. Marty taught English in Japanese public elementary and junior high schools for five years. He earned a Ph.D. in education policy from the University of Arkansas, a master’s degree in economics from the University of Missouri, and a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Eastern Illinois University.

Will Wisconsin School Vouchers “Drain Billions” from Public Schools?

Wisconsin has a long and rich history of school choice, with tens of thousands of families having availed themselves of the opportunities to choose by enrolling their children in private schools. However, a legitimate concern for citizens is whether Wisconsin school vouchers will siphon resources from K–12 public schools, especially given that a vast majority of […]