Michael Chartier

Michael Chartier serves as director of state engagement for EdChoice.

Breaking Down Nevada’s Tax-Credit Scholarship Bill

The details on Nevada's tax-credit scholarship bill

The Friedman Foundation team predicted Nevada would be the state “Most Likely to Succeed” in creating a new school choice program this year, and it appears it’s on its way. The Nevada legislature has passed Assembly Bill 165, a tax-credit scholarship for children from low-income families. The bill passed the Assembly on a 25-17 party […]

Idaho Has Plenty of Private School Gems Worth Discovering

Idaho's Private School Gems

Idaho’s nickname, the Gem State, proves it has a rich history rooted in discovery and diversity. The same could be said for its future, especially if Idahoans were to increase the schooling options available to families. Can school choice—the idea that parents leverage government programs to choose among schools and educational services for their children—work […]

Private, Religious Schools Have Strong Showing at Science Fair

Religious Private Schools

As an alumnus of private Catholic schools, I continually am surprised by the evolving notion that religious schools are dismissive of science. Indeed, much is being made about private school teachings that are deemed incompatible with science. But as a recent personal experience of my own shows, this generalization is taken oftentimes on faith. Indeed, kids in […]

Governor Signs Tax-Credit Scholarships, Makes Kansas 24th School Choice State

tax-credit scholarships in kansas

UPDATE Governor Sam Brownback signed HB 2506 today, ushering Kansas into the school choice club with tax-credit scholarships.  Now, 24 states and the District of Columbia allow publicly funded private school choice. Today is a culmination of years of work and an ever growing coalition.  Just last month, Kansas parents and supporters hosted a rally […]

A New Type of Private School Choice?

Private school choice

Is Alaska on the verge of creating another private school choice model? Two days ago, the Alaska House passed an amendment to HB 278 to expand to private schools an existing tax credit for Alaska’s colleges, universities, endowments, and museums. The proposal is unlike any other school choice program in place, as it is not […]