Michael Q. McShane
NEW REPORT: The Accountability Myth
Parents of School-age Kids Need Tech Support

We all know the cliches about the coronavirus pandemic. It was “disruptive.” It “changed everything overnight.” It “highlighted existing inequities.” And on and on. But sometimes, cliches are cliches for a reason. The pandemic was disruptive. It did change everything (almost) overnight. It did highlight existing inequities. Just because we’ve heard people say it a […]
A Portrait of American Homeschooling in 2021

Throughout the course of this year, we at EdChoice have been conducting in-depth research on homeschooling in America. We were prompted by the reports, both anecdotal and statistical, that point to growth in homeschooling as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But perhaps more than that, we wanted to inform the conversation about homeschooling, a […]
Miss Virginia and Dr. Friedman
Some Nerdy Stuff About Education Polling

We here at EdChoice are big into polling. We have been conducting our annual Schooling in America Survey since 2013 and started a partnership with Morning Consult last year to create our Public Opinion Tracker, which polls a nationally representative sample of Americans every month and a nationally representative sample of teachers every quarter. As […]
Focus Group: Homeschooling Families on Personalized Learning
New Large Survey of Homeschooling Families Lifts Hood on Homeschooling During COVID-19
Florida Families Overwhelming Satisfied with School Choice Despite Complexity of Programs

Just as news broke that the Florida legislature was sending massive changes to the state’s school choice program to Gov. Ron DeSantis’s desk, researchers from Boston University and the University of Arkansas released a new study of Florida families’ experiences with two of the state’s private school choice programs. This legislative session, Florida lawmakers combined […]
U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey Shows Homeschooling Is Booming

On March 22, the U.S. Census Bureau released data from its Household Pulse Survey, a 20-minute online survey designed to assess the impact of the coronavirus on American households. It found that in the spring of 2020, about 5.4 percent of U.S. households with children reported homeschooling. By fall, that number had more than doubled, […]