Paul DiPerna

Paul DiPerna is vice president of research and innovation for EdChoice. Paul joined the organization in 2006, and he leads the research program’s activities and projects. His work focuses on surveys and polling about American K–12 education and schooling. Paul directs the monthly EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker and oversees the annual Schooling in America Survey. Previously, he worked at the Brown Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institution. Last year, EdChoice’s research team produced 17 major publications, fiscal notes/memos/briefs in 12 states, 17 national polling reports, and 45 state polling briefs—updated monthly. The research data and findings have been cited by national and state media outlets around the country.

What You Need to Know About the EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker

Today, we launch EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker, a monthly survey of public opinion about K–12 education in America, conducted by national polling and data intelligence firm Morning Consult. Starting this past January, we began conducting monthly polls of the general public and parents. We are also surveying teachers on a quarterly basis. We are fielding […]

SURVEY: Private School Response to COVID-19

America’s K–12 schools have undergone a massive shift over the past two months because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools, teachers and students are doing many things today that they were not doing—or even planning for—on March 1. So far, a lot has been written, webinar-ed  and Zoomed during this time. To keep up with the […]

Polling American K–12 School Parents About COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of our lives in unique ways. Our team has been adapting some of our work to be more responsive to the extraordinary times we are living in right now. One of our goals is to inform policymakers, stakeholders and the public about school choice programs and to better understand […]

The Right Reasons for Supporting (or Opposing) School Choice

Supporting School Choice

Note: A shortened version of this post was originally published on Education Next. We are at a critical point in the long history of education reform. The politicized issue of school choice has received sustained national attention since the election of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. The subsequent nomination of Betsy DeVos as […]

Hoosier Views on Indiana’s School Vouchers and More Survey Snapshots

Education has been at the forefront for Indiana citizens and lawmakers ever since the second term of former Gov. Mitch Daniels’ administration. Indiana legislators have given various education issues a turn on the front burner over the years—funding levels, funding formula reform, test-based accountability, school choice, third grade reading, teacher evaluation, and more. But what […]

Seven Survey Snapshots of Colorado’s K–12 Education Landscape

In spring of this year, the Colorado Supreme Court issued its opinion on the Douglas County school voucher program. Since then, proponents of the program have made headway in their journey to appeal  the case to the Supreme Court of the United States. But what do voters think about Colorado’s K–12 education issues in their […]

Friedman Foundation Earns AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative Membership

AAPOR Transparency Initiative

The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice team is proud to announce that our foundation became a charter member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative (TI) on September 17, 2015. The purpose of the TI is to encourage voluntary participation for organizations and survey researchers to regularly disclose their methods for […]

Top Seven Findings from Our Minnesota School Choice, K–12 Education Survey

What voters say about Minnesota school choice, K–12 education

Minnesota voters like public schools and private school choice policies. Minnesota has a long history of bucking conventional thinking about K–12 education. Most important, the state is known for implementing policies that enhance the flexibility of families to send their children to the schools that fit them best, whether public or private. In 1955, Minnesota […]

Six Survey Snapshots of Nevada’s Education Landscape

Learn about Nevada's education landscape

At the start of the year, an internal “poll” among staff at the Friedman Foundation named Nevada the state most likely to succeed in creating its first school choice program. In fact, a bill that would create a tax-credit scholarship program is making its way through the state legislature right now. But what does Nevada’s […]