Robert C. Enlow
1 Million Kids and Counting
2024 ABCs of School Choice Available Now
EdChoice mourns passing of longtime board member Jerry Hume
Mishler takes a mighty swing
President’s Letter: The 2022 ABCs of School Choice
The K-12 Financial Cliff: What States Could Face If Students Switch Schooling Sectors

Much attention has rightly been paid to American families across the nation who continue to help their children learn at home during this pandemic. When will schools go back? Will they even go back in the fall, and what will that look like? Our economy—with one in five American workers currently out of a job—has […]
Researching the Research on Nine Major Ed Reforms

Are vouchers effective? Do kids need to be in small classes? Are charter schools helping or hurting? Whether it’s lawmakers debating a new education reform program or journalists framing up a story about a new policy at a local school, there’s one question that always comes up: What does the research say? Research is one […]
2020 School Choice Legislative Preview

This post might be a bit of a downer, but we’re not expecting 2020 to be a banner legislative year for school choice. That’s not because there’s nothing happening. In fact, choice—whether it’s charters or access to private schools—has been getting lots of headlines. There also are a number of high-profile legal cases moving through the courts that could affect […]
School Choice in Pop Culture: Yes, Prime Minister
In today’s episode of EdChoice Chats, our President and CEO Robert Enlow and our Director of Policy Jason Bedrick discuss one iconic episode of the BBC’s Yes, Prime Minister which is about—as the show says—“the political will versus the administrative won’t.” Bedrick and Enlow go beyond the messages in this hilarious episode of television, sharing […]