Robert C. Enlow

Robert C. Enlow is the president and CEO of EdChoice. He has been an integral part of the foundation since its founding in 1996. Under his leadership, EdChoice has become one of the nation’s leading advocates for school choice.

8 Things the School-Choice Movement Has Gotten Right

This post originally appeared here on the Rick Hess Straight Up blog on Education Week. Greetings, fellow travelers. It’s Robert Enlow, back again with the next take from the mind of this old, cranky ed reformer. Imagine, if you will, that I’m sitting in a rocking chair sipping iced tea—or something slightly stronger—muttering under my […]

7 Regrets From an Old, Cranky Ed. Reformer

This post originally appeared here on the Rick Hess Straight Up blog on Education Week. Hi. My name is Robert Enlow. I’m an ed reformer, and I’ve been one for a long, long time. Over time, it’s easy to lose oneself in the daily grind that wears us all down, and sometimes we need to […]

What We Can Do About School Choice’s Supply-Side Problem

School Choice’s Supply-Side Problem

If you build it, they will come. A memorable line, a memorable scene. But what happens if you know they’ll come, and you just can’t get it built in a timely fashion? In one of our recent reports, The Private School Landscape, we tested the theory that educational choice programs that increase access to private […]

EdChoice on the 2015 PISA Results: “Meh.”

2015 PISA Results

  Give the American K–12 education system another participation ribbon, this time for its latest results on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), a global measurement taken every three years that assesses 15-year-old students on reading, mathematics and science literacy. We came; we took the test; and we got nowhere. We certainly didn’t conquer. […]

Top 5 Ways the New White House Can Support School Choice for Families

Top 5 Ways the White House Can Support School Choice

  Although K–12 education didn’t feature heavily into the 2016 race for the White House, President-elect Donald Trump has not been shy about his support for school choice, even making it part of the agenda he’s promising for his first 100 days in office. And it’s no secret that Vice President-elect has been a longtime […]

The Next Chapter of Our Story

EdChoice. It’s a big and powerful idea—and it’s the new name of our organization. Earlier this year, we announced that we’d be changing our brand to celebrate our past and better reflect the future, and we’re excited to begin the next chapter. Our new mission is simple and bold: We are champions of choice who […]

Pope Francis’ Visit Should Open Minds to School Choice

Pope Francis and school choice

For almost a week, Americans of all faiths—or of none—got a lengthy dose of a message of hope and charity. Pope Francis’ visit to the United States highlighted good will toward those in need, especially children and those with special needs. The Pope even visited a Catholic school that serves low-income students in Harlem. The […]

Friedman Foundation Celebrates Founder with New, Innovative Website

Friedman Legacy Day

Gen Con is in full swing in Indianapolis, where the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice is headquartered. It’s a time when thousands of gamers come to town to witness all the new innovations in fantasy gaming. It also happens to be Friedman Legacy Day, a time when thousands of Americans and people from around the […]

Roll Tide — Major Victory for School Choice in Alabama

Victory for school choice in alabama

Justice is on the side of school choice and the families who use it. That was the outcome this week in Alabama, where the state’s Supreme Court overturned a lower court’s attempted termination of the Alabama Accountability Act, a law that included two school choice measures: a tax-credit scholarship program and an individual refundable tax […]