Robert C. Enlow

Robert C. Enlow is the president and CEO of EdChoice. He has been an integral part of the foundation since its founding in 1996. Under his leadership, EdChoice has become one of the nation’s leading advocates for school choice.

Is 2015 the Year for Universal School Choice?

Is 2015 the year for universal school choice?

Everyone likes affirmation. People enjoy being told the project they led was impressive or that their new haircut looks nice or that they made a good choice. We at the Friedman Foundation are no different. We like to validate others, and we like validation, too. That’s why we are excited to affirm statements from governors’ […]

Friedman Foundation on the PISA Results

what is the PISA

The new PISA results showing American students fell behind more nations in reading, math, and science are being used to criticize our current education system while others are employing PISA to bash or elevate the reforms many have proposed to improve it. I have two reactions to both efforts: 1. Should test scores really be […]

What to Expect from Sen. Lamar Alexander’s Federal Voucher Legislation

federal voucher legislation school choice

What does Sen. Lamar Alexander’s (R-TN) introduction today of the “Scholarships for Kids Act of 2014” federal voucher legislation mean for the future of school choice? Allowing public education dollars to “follow” students makes sense at any level of government, from school boards all the way up to the federal government. Sen. Alexander’s proposal certainly […]

Are Private Schools Accountable?

Private schools accountability

Milton Friedman said if the traditional public schools are as good as its defenders claim, they shouldn’t be afraid of competition. In a similar vein, some school choice supporters argue that if private schools are performing well then they shouldn’t fear state standardized tests. Such is the implication of a new policy toolkit released yesterday by […]

Friedman Foundation Responds to Diane Ravitch

Yesterday education historian Diane Ravitch recognized the Friedman Foundation’s research on her blog, specifically our new survey showing where Americans rank the efficaciousness of seven education reforms. However, I am concerned Ms. Ravitch believes “surprise (and, no doubt, embarrassment)” overcame our foundation given the results. We actually were quite encouraged by the findings. Survey respondents […]

What’s on First: School Choice vs. Common Core

school choice vs. common core

Many Common Core supporters say school choice and Common Core can work together to create the best system. Maybe they can, but school choice for all families must come first, and these two scenarios show why: School Choice First All parents are empowered to choose schools. Schools tailor their curricula and more to fit desires […]

The Friedman Foundation on Common Core

Friedman Foundation on the Common Core

Common Core State Standards Initiative, national standards, federal takeover of education—whatever you want to call it, we at the Friedman Foundation are frequently asked about it. Here is our position: Parents should have the primary power and authority over their children’s education, which includes both the power to choose any school that they deem best […]