Former special education teacher Alexandria Speller discovered her passion for helping students with disabilities unlock their potential, which inspired her to become a school choice advocate.
We tell the story of South Carolina mom, Allison Laney, and how school choice helped her son who was diagnosed with mastoiditis.
EdChoice has committed itself to lead the effort to triple the number of states with true universal freedom and increase the number of families enrolled in and aware of educational choice programs by 30% by 2030.
We toured some Black-led microschools in Atlanta, Georgia, all part of the Black Microschools ATL, a collective of K-12 education providers shaking up the look of schooling.
We dug into topics like chronic absenteeism, cell phones, sentiment towards the direction of K–12 education, school choice policies, and many more.
Jonnette Fair empowers Atlanta families by advocating for school choice and helping parents navigate their education options.
With potentially 100,000 advanced students educated at home, why do we know so little about their educational experiences? This population remains largely understudied and, as a result, overlooked.
As 2024 comes to an end, it is a good time to hit rewind and take stock of the year and we have a few trends worth highlighting.
After troubling events in public schools, Tressena Jones turned to homeschooling, overcoming challenges to ensure her children’s safety and education while advocating for school choice in her community.
Choice Comparison is a one-stop platform featuring tools for policy comparison, bill creation, and resource access for parents and vendors.
Despite the recent waves of school choice legislation and the national media attention, most Americans still have no idea what the education landscape looks like in their own backyards.
During a MOMCON panel three mothers discussed how school choice empowered them to find the best educational paths for their children, from homeschooling to cyber charter schools.
We highlight the entrepreneurs who spoke at the Rally Innovation Conference about their new education companies and organizations.
As summer winds down, parents all over the country find themselves asking an important question: Is my child really being supported in the best way possible?
Born on July 31, 1912, Friedman’s work has left an indelible mark on numerous fields, including education. We reflect on his profound impact on educational freedom and how his ideas continue to shape the landscape of education today.
This year, the expanded Bundle consists of four products, each one tackling some of the top questions we receive regarding the basics of school choice.
We dive into Tom Fisher's background as Indiana Solicitor General and what brought him to EdChoice Legal Advocates.
The 123s of School Choice reviews the available research on voucher programs, education savings accounts, and tax-credit scholarship programs in the United States and organized the research by eight distinct outcomes.
After retiring from the Navy, Clifton Grilley fights for education equality in Montana, seeking essential services for his special needs sons through the state's ESA program for students with disabilities.
We tell the story of Christal Gamble Banks, an Alabama mom who homeschools her neurodivergent, or gifted, son, Cash.
In this episode of EdChoice Chats, longtime Hill staffer and education policy expert Lindsay Fryer talks with Mike McShane and Rick Hess about the state of American higher education, the federal government’s role in it, and what is going on with FAFSA.
Do parents have to choose between academic and religious instruction? And do parents actually prioritize religious instruction at the expense of academic rigor when choosing a school? Or do they want both?
In this episode of EdChoice Chats, host Mike McShane talks with family policy expert Patrick Brown about fertility rates, childcare policy, and protecting children online.
While the Brown V. Board decision was first handed down 70 years ago, its lasting implications can still be seen and felt in the education system now.
Host Dorian McCarroll talks with Virginia Walden Ford, Howard Fuller, Sekou Biddle, and Gerard Robinson on the 70th anniversary of the landmark decision of Brown v Board of Education.
We tell the story of Yalonda Chandler and how she helped found Black Homeschool Families of Birmingham.
Kidvation is a curriculum provider for students with a focus on teaching innovation and how to apply it to real world pathways.
In this episode of EdChoice Chats, Mike McShane talks with Angela Watson about homeschooling research and the Homeschool Hub.
Thanks to New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Accounts, the Ebba family has even more options to customize their children’s education.
March is disabilities awareness month, so now is a great time to become more familiar with the students with disabilities (SWDs) utilizing private school choice programs throughout the country.
The country currently boasts over 25 choice programs inclusive of or specifically targeted to serve students with disabilities, delivered through education savings accounts (ESA), tax credits, tax credit scholarships, and vouchers.
As EdChoice’s Parent Engagement Manager, Shaivon Stewart's story is not just one of professional achievement, but a deeply personal journey through the realms of motherhood, community involvement, and the relentless pursuit of educational equity.
This is the second part in a two-part series on Rose Friedman’s legacy.
In this edition of EdChoice Chats, Robert Enlow, CEO and President of EdChoice, talks with Lindsey Burke, from the Heritage Foundation, and Macke Raymond, from the Hoover Insitution.
Behind every great man, there stands an equally remarkable woman. Nowhere is this more evident than in the partnership of Milton and Rose Friedman.
We dive into the new book Getting Education Right: A Conservative Vision for Improving Early Childhood, K–12, and College by Frederick M. Hess and Michael Q. McShane.
This is the second in a two-part series on The Piney Woods School
From its humble beginnings over a century ago to its present-day role as a beacon of hope and opportunity, Piney Woods embodies the resilience, determination, and collaborative spirit of Black leaders in education and their supporters.
For this episode of EdChoice Chats we have a special edition celebrating Black History Month where we talk about school choice in communities of color and the ever-growing support for it.
Sharhonda Bossier, CEO of Education Leaders of Color, ensures young people of color have access to resources to capitalize on opportunity.
YELLOW opened in 2021, an out birth of nonprofit initially created to host a short-term summer camp for youth from low-income families launched by record producer and songwriter Pharrell Williams.
Guest blogger Kenneth Danford would like to see self-directed and unschooling approaches included, and promote conversations about “youth rights” as much as “parent rights.”
The power of the expanding choice landscape and the policies that unleash their transformative potential was the topic of discussion at The Policy Circle’s recent Annual Leadership Summit
Over the next two years, EdChoice’s goal is to activate and engage a core group of 50 to 75 parents, with an overall goal of reaching 1000 parents nationwide.
An Indiana mother talks about her children's struggles with dyslexia and how the Indiana Education Scholarship helped her.
We dig into our new report which explores hold harmless funding; declining enrollment protections and funding guarantees.
The EdChoice Education Entrepreneurs program seeks to give entrepreneurs the skills and knowledge they need to be successful long term, which will help build up a more permanent ecosystem of diverse learning environments, platforms, and programing.
EdChoice CEO Robert Enlow talks with Colyn Ritter and Marc LeBlond about the 2024 edition of The ABCs of School Choice. Click here to order your 2024 copy for free!
An Indiana mom reflects on new opportunities ahead when her children finally qualified for a school choice program.
In this edition of EdChoice Chats, host Mike McShane talks with Sonia Park, executive director of the Diverse Charter School Coalition. McShane and Park talk about what they are
This week, we explore the data to better understand Hispanic Parents’ views on educational choice policies.
In this edition of EdChoice Chats, host Mike McShane talks with Ron Matus, director of research and special projects for Step Up For Students, and Lauren May, director of
In this edition of EdChoice Chats, host Mike McShane talks with Andy Prieto and Mark Strickland of Dade Prep, where they are going to help answer the question, “What’s
Calling all teachers who want to start their own schools! Mike McShane has CEO and founder of Primer, Ryan Delk on the podcast to talk about the work Primer
Mike McShane talks with Kelly Smith, CEO of the Prenda microschools and author of the book, A Fire to be Kindled. The two talk about how Smith started Prenda
John Kristof talks with Mike McShane about his new report with Nicole Stelle Garnett at the Manhattan Institute titled, Implementing K–12 Education Savings Accounts Is Really Simple. They talk
The 123s of School Choice–2023 Edition
Creation of educational choice programs is only step one
CEO of the Fusion Education Group, Pate Ruppert, talks with Mike McShane about the innovative one-to-one school that Fusion Academies offer.
Dr. Susan Pendergrass breaks down public school district lines and open enrollment with Mike McShane on his What’s Up series.
Garrett Smiley, CEO and co-founder of Sora Schools, joins Mike McShane on the “What’s Up” series to talk about his Georgia based online private school.
Mike McShane talks with Marissa Hess of Urban Cottage Educational Collaborative to discuss how innovative educational programs can sit at the intersection of homeschooling, collaborative schooling, and microschooling.
On this episode of What's Up with Mike McShane, Dalena Wallace, a homeschooling mom of six, talks about AIM education which involves her co-op of homeschooling parents and operating a hybrid microschool.
Mike McShane on his "What's Up" series chats with Brett Kopf of Omella to discuss his entrepreneurship in the education space.
We rank the nation’s educational choice programs by purchasing power—or how empowering they are for families—based on data in our 2023 edition of The ABCs of School Choice.
On Mike McShane's series What's Up, Matt DeHart talks about his foundation, Teach From DeHart and his current status establishing a new school in Pennsylvania.
After some major wins for school choice, see which programs made the EdChoice team's annual yearbook superlatives.
Where are families choosing to send their students to be educated?
A breakdown of how much money states spend on private school choice programs.
On this episode of What's Up with Mike McShane, two team members of the National School Choice Week Foundation, Shelby Doyle and Krissia Campos Spivey, talk about the exciting plans they have to celebrate this last week of January.
A better education system must have three characteristics.
Binge season four of our Cool Schools podcast series to your heart’s content. We rounded all six episodes up for your convenience.
As another COVID outbreak surged post-winter holidays, we asked parents about their K-12 schooling experiences and more.
In this episode we hear from our team on the EdChoice Superlatives and get a snapshot of the highs and lows of the school choice movement from the previous
Learn how Black parents characterized their schooling experiences as we closed out December 2021.
In this episode, we share key takeaways from our December 2021 wave of polling as reported on our EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker.
With six new programs, 2011 was the year of school choice. A decade later, 2021 became the year of educational choice.
After the officially dubbed Year of Educational Choice, find out the EdChoice team’s annual yearbook superlatives, including Best New Program and Most Likely to Succeed in 2022.
Andrew Campanella, the President of National School Choice Week, talks to us about some of the results from a recent survey conducted by the organization.
Learn how the Omicron variant affected school parents’ opinions on education and more in our latest polling wave
Learn how Black parents characterized their schooling experiences as we closed out November 2021
In this episode of our Big Ideas series we speak with Dr. Nicole Garnett, professor of law at the University of Notre Dame. She talks about her recent report,
In this episode, we share key takeaways from our November 2021 wave of polling as reported on our EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker.
In today’s episode of the podcast we talk to the principal of Prestonwood Christian Academy’s hybrid schooling program, Bill Wendl. He tells us about the innovative ideas needed in
Check out the key findings from our November public opinion polling, including parents' thoughts on Covid restrictions.
In this episode we speak with long-time choice advocate Jack Coons. He tells us about his start in the school choice movement and how he worked with our founder,
Learn the four key findings from our October poll of Black parents on K–12 education.
We speak with Holly Grant, someone who became a supporter of the school choice movement when she searched for options to for her children when the pandemic first started
In this episode we speak with colleague Jason Bedrick the coauthor of a new report, Who’s Afraid of School Choice: Examining the Validity and Intensity of Predictions by School
In this episode we hear from Safari Small School creator Dr. Teresa Sanders. She candidly tells us her reasons on why she started her own school and the goals
We release a new polling report that describes the firsthand schooling experiences and views of special education parents during the coronavirus pandemic.
In this episode we hear from a champion in the school choice movement, Virginia Walden Ford, someone whose been working for our cause for many years. She tells us
We reached out to some of our supporters and asked them to share their thoughts on why they continue to support EdChoice and our work.
In this episode we dive deeper into the four polls we put in the field during the month of September. We break down some of the results from our
Our President and CEO Robert Enlow sits down with parents to learn more about their experiences and the power educational choice programs have had in their children's lives.
Our team interviewed longtime parent advocate Cheryl Kirk about her experiences and what she's learned along the way fighting for school choice.
Learn the five key findings from September poll of Black parents on K–12 education.
In this episode of our Cool Schools series we chat with the superintendent of the Boston Archdiocese Catholic Schools, Tom Carroll. We learn more about what he’s doing in
We continue to celebrate our 25th Anniversary by speaking with Michael Chartier and Don Soifer and they tell us about advancements in school choice in the state of Nevada.
In this episode of our Cool Schools series we talk to Kurtis Indorf, president of Great Hearts Online and Great Hearts Microschools in Arizona. He tells us the innovative
In this episode we hear from Matt Beienburg, director of education policy at the Goldwater Institute, and our own director of state research and special projects, Drew Catt. The
Learn the four key findings from our August/September poll of Black parents on K–12 education.
In this installment of our Cool Schools series we chat with Don Soifer, President of Nevada for School Options, and his Chief of Staff Ashley Campbell. They speak to
A guest blog post by Holly Grant, PhD to help us celebrate 25 years of educational choice advocacy.
In this episode, we share key takeaways from our August 2021 wave of polling as reported on our EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker.
We kick off season four of our Cool Schools series with Christian Dallavis, the Assistant Superintendent for the Partnership Schools, that started in New York and has since expanded
Our own President and CEO Robert Enlow teams up with longtime advocate Susan Mitchell to discuss the past 25 years of the educational choice movement. What are those early
The annual edition of our Schooling in America Survey with Braun Research launched today. Check out the key findings according to the report’s authors on your commute, over lunch
In this episode, we share key takeaways from our July 2021 wave of polling as reported on our EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker.
Learn the four key findings from our July/August poll of Black parents on K–12 education.
In this episode we speak with Matt Ladner about his recent report, “Micro- Schools versus Waitlists: A Guidebook for the Innovative Arizona Educator.” He tells us about the innovative
We crunched the numbers and ordered them by percent of students eligible and maximum participation.
In this episode we hear from Lance Izumi about the book he wrote with co-author and subject of the book, Mia Giordano. The book chronicles Mia’s experiences trying to
More survey data reveals parents, especially Black parents, access to tech and tech literacy is top problem to solve in today’s educational climate.
Check out the top five findings from the capstone report in our homeschooling trilogy.
This is the first of many content pieces to come that celebrate EdChoice’s 25 years of advocating for educational choice.
Learn the five key findings from our poll of Black parents on K-12 education.
In this episode, we share key takeaways from our June 2021 wave of polling as reported on our EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker. For more from the full report, visit
We share our top findings from our second quarterly survey of educators this year.
We share our five key takeaways based on our June polling wave.
In this episode of our Monthly Debrief series, we discuss school choice happenings across America—including new state programs and expansions of pre-existing programs.
We share the biggest takeaways from our recent polling of Black American parents.
Working with Hanover Research, we conducted six focus groups of parents, three with homeschooling parents and three with non-homeschooling parents but who identified that they had in some way personalized their child’s learning over the last year.
We share our five key takeaways based on our May polling wave.
Learn why families homeschool, the obstacles they face and more in this new survey report.
If you’re reading this, you’re on our new website! Here’s what’s new and improved.
In this episode of our Monthly Debrief series, we discuss school choice happenings across America—including a new ESA policy in Florida and recent expansion bills in Iowa. Note: Since
We recap some of the biggest wins for school choice in the first half of 2021.
We share the biggest takeaways from our recent polling of Black parents, including that they support three major school choice policies more than white parents.
In this episode, we share key takeaways from our April 2021 wave of polling as reported on our EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker. For more from the full report, visit
In the latest wave of our monthly Public Opinion Tracker, we obtained completed surveys from 400 Black parents of school-aged children.
We knew parents liked microschools. It turns out teachers might be even more excited
In our recent Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive, we asked teenagers about mental health since the start of the pandemic, social issues they care about and more. Click here to
In our recent Public Opinion Tracker Deep Dive, we asked teenagers about mental health since the start of the pandemic, social issues they care about and more. Click here to
Panelists Mimi Woldeyohannes, Deirdre Reed, Ashley Virden, Lakisha Young and Alisha Thomas Morgan discuss how Black mothers can use their collective influence to empower, organize and mobilize the Black community to increase access to educational opportunity.
Ulcca Joshi Hansen, founder of Educating Potential, joins us to discuss the direction of education in a post-pandemic world.
My new book, Hybrid Homeschooling: A Guide to the Future of Education, releases March 14. I wrote the vast majority of it before the pandemic, when hybrid homeschooling was
As we do every year, the EdChoice team got together to vote on yearbook superlative categories, such as Most Empowering, Biggest Setback and our newest recognition, Most Choice-y State,
We caffeinated. We debated. We declared this year’s yearbook superlatives, including dubbing a winner of a new category—Most Choice-y State.
EdChoice recently gathered a diverse group of thought leaders to talk about current school transportation challenges and potential solutions.
Danielle Shockey, CEO of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, hops on the podcast to talk about the teacher talent pipeline and challenges we face in light of the pandemic.
Keri Rodrigues and Sarah Raybon hop on the podcast to discuss their experiences with homeschooling during the pandemic, views on micro-schooling and more. Keri is the president of the
We chat with Arizona parent Tom Bogle, who micro-schools his children. Learn more about the educational model that has gained popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our new poll reveals teen views on back-to-school, the pandemic and other hot topics.
Check out all eight episodes of season three of our Cool Schools podcast series.
In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle how student transportation can change as schools reopen in the Fall.
In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle how to help schools and school districts 'unbundle' food services.
In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle what it might look like to 'unbundle' core academic elements of schools.
In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle paying for classroom supplies.
In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle what it means to 'unbundle' educational services and providers to create a more resilient system of education.
In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle funding for remediation programs.
Leslie Hiner, our VP of legal affairs, discusses the recent school choice win in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue.
In this episode, we chat with Ben Harris, co-founder of Epic Charter Schools. Learn how this free, public, online charter school uses learning centers, a learning fund and more.
We break down three types of programs and show what makes them so different.
In this episode, we are joined by team members at Families Empowered, a Texas organization with a mission to help all families gain access to schools that work for
You can decide for yourself which parents you think didn’t live up to the good parenting standard, but you might want to ask yourself whether you’re judging someone for their choices or their circumstances.
In this episode of EdChoice Chats, Mike McShane brings on Kelly Smith of Prenda micro-schools and Sarah Raybon of the Arizona School Tuition Organization to talk about Prenda’s new
In this episode, we chat with Brian Daigle, co-founder of Sequitur Classical Academy. He discusses the classical education model, how the school divides grade levels, and more. Note: Since
Learn more about the unique programming flowing out of Fleming County, Kentucky, public schools.
In this episode of our Cool Schools series, we chat with Christy Wilson, dean of academics at Alliance Christian Academy in Fort Worth, Texas.
Whether we like it or not, schools are likely to stay closed for a while longer. How will all this change affect students’ mental health?
In this episode of our Big Ideas series, we sit down with Kerry McDonald to discuss her book, Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside of the Conventional Classroom.
The EdChoice team shares their favorite education-themed movies—from Dead Poets Society to School of Rock.
What happens to a school who’s students and teachers come from all over the world when the world shuts down?
In this episode of Cool Schools, Mike McShane chats with Belinda Henson, head of school at Legacy Classical Christian Academy in Fort Worth, Texas. In addition to being a
This boarding and day school has learned several lessons that might be useful for other schools coping with COVID-19.
Learn how this school is providing structure for students and parents.
In this episode, Mike McShane chats with Tim Matlick—executive director of Jefferson Academy and the Summit Academy Home School program in Broomfield, Colorado.
Principal Jason Strniste shares three lessons the school has learned.
Find out if you're eligible and learn how you can submit an application.
This Indianapolis school shares lessons they have learned during this transition.
Learn how this preschool network adjusts to online learning.
Learn more about how this network of schools in New York City is serving their students.
Learn more about how Woodlands Christian Academy in Texas is adapting to COVID-19 lockdowns.
To kick off Season 3 of our Cool Schools series, Mike McShane chats with Chris Harper, head of school of Grace Prep. This school, located in Arlington, Texas, was
As we navigate the many ways the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our routines and families, we wanted to provide a handy list of free, online tools to help you continue teaching and learning at home.
Are your children learning from home this week? Check out these three tips to help make the most of it (and keep your sanity).
Taking a look at the national landscape of student transportation policy, the best we can say is that it is complicated.
In this episode of our Big Ideas series, Vicki Alger discusses her co-authored book, Child Safety Accounts: Combating Student Bullying and School Violence by Empowering Parents. She goes in-depth on
We share some of the most compelling results of our 2019 Schooling in America survey in the form of infographics.
Too often, advocates think that they need to convince the entire populace of a state to support their initiative. They don’t. They need 1,000 true supporters, or perhaps even fewer.
When a child is assaulted day in and day out in their assigned public school, how can anyone argue they don't deserve school choice? Believe it or not, there are people who do.
By Jennifer Wagner Buying a domain name, launching a website and making a public announcement are the first steps toward building a grassroots network of supporters. They also happen to
We sit down with EdChoice board member Virginia Walden Ford to discuss her book, School Choice: A Legacy to Keep. In it, she describes growing up the daughter of
We caffeinated. We debated. We declared this year’s yearbook superlatives, including most likely to succeed in 2020.
In his new book, Andrew Campanella outlines seven steps parents can take to find the right learning environment for their children. Campanella is the president of National School Choice
We present four profiles of potential hybrid home-schoolers.
Chris Stewart of brightbeam joins members of the EdChoice team to discuss findings from our Public Opinion Tracker.
At SXSW Online 2021, our panelists—Curtis Valentine, Roland Martin, Robert Marshall, India Johnson and Byron Wilson—discuss wealth being built in Black school systems with or without the Black community benefitting.
Learn more about the efforts being made to recruit Black male educators and actions school leaders can do to increase the number of Black male teachers and administrators in their schools.
Panelists discuss the power of the parent voice and the disconnect between parents and grass-top leadership. This session is from the 100 Black Men of America/EdChoice Virtual Education Town Hall in 2020.
Panelists discuss reimagining K-12 education to address the needs of Black students and parents. This session is from the 100 Black Men of America/EdChoice Virtual Education Town Hall in 2020.
How can we harness the economic power of our education system? This session is from the 100 Black Men of America/EdChoice Virtual Education Town Hall in 2020.
Pick from all 14 episodes of our second season of Cool Schools with Mike McShane.
Are our schools living up to the promise of preparing students for their future? This session is from the 100 Black Men of America/EdChoice Virtual Education Town Hall in 2020.
No more theories: The data show school choice actually helps teachers in these four ways
As teacher protests continue, we share answers to the top five questions we get asked about teacher pay
Our newest staffer Alexis and our resident state research guru Drew Catt chat about some pretty in-your-face school choice themes that appear in the super popular TV series Jane the Virgin.
School choice opponents say we should “fully fund” one system (public schools), but here’s where that all falls apart
Eighth grader AJ and his mother Shelley share why they are thankful for school choice.
Pick from all seven episodes of our second season of Cool Schools with Mike McShane
Brian McGrath and Abby Hayes talk K–12 themes in the TV show Last Man Standing, including bilingual education, using a family member's address to attend a non-district school and more.
Lauren Hodge and Brian McGrath bring you a breakdown of school choice-related themes in the popular NBC television show Parenthood.
Founder of Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School talks leading a faith-based institution made up of predominately non-Lutheran students
Robert Enlow and Jason Bedrick discuss one iconic episode of the BBC’s Yes, Prime Minister, which is about a political leader who wants universal school choice vs. a bureaucracy that will avoid change at all costs.
We spoke with K–12 teachers and parents at SXSW EDU. Here's what they had to say about school choice.
Florida mom recounts the journey to find her son, Brandon, the best education to fit his needs
Paying full-price for K–12 private school tuition and fees might not be your only option.
Federal rules allow parents to use the tax-advantaged 529 savings plan for certain private K–12 expenses, but it may be more complicated than you think.
We interviewed a Florida parent about how her academically gifted children are thriving because of a tax-credit scholarship
Three EdChoice team members chat about their experiences in school choice coalition building—how to do it well, what can break down a coalition and more.
We interviewed an Arizona parent about her family’s journey from unsettling diagnoses to thriving students using an ESA
A new paper sparks debate about whether giving parents of students with special needs the ability to opt out of IDEA in favor of alternative options is good or bad.
Each year at Thanksgiving, we highlight the stories of students and families who are especially grateful for educational opportunity. Last year, we shared a blog post by Valerie McMurray,
This veteran family man shares his experiences and discusses why military families not only need access to school choice, but also more and better information.
The founder of a one-to-one instruction model private school shares what differentiates her school and why it should no longer be considered revolutionary.
An education policy scholar explains our education system’s real problem and how we can begin to fix it.
After dozens of parents reached out for options that could keep their children safe from bullying, we had to learn more about what families and the data say about school choice.
For as long as we can remember, our society has known one system of education. Based on their ZIP Codes, our children are assigned to “free” public schools that
First, we need to understand what it would take to topple public schools. Total expenditures nationwide for fiscal year 2014 exceeded $625 billion. Now, how much are states spending
Researchers from across the country have conducted more than 100 rigorous empirical studies on the effects of school choice programs. Here’s what they found. Does School Choice Help or
We know for a fact that our current ZIP Code-based public education system has kept low-income kids out of quality schools.
Since 1971, America’s spending on education has increased by 300 percent, and that’s adjusted for inflation. Yet student performance has been almost stagnant.
More than 500,000 students have autism as a primary handicap out of 6.4 million children in special education, yet autism is reshaping the special education environment.
The national conversation around school choice and this new program type called education savings accounts, or ESAs, has some people confused. We’re here to simplify.
Today’s freakout comes to us from Twitter, where we recently had a chat with an opponent who is fervently using the platform to fight a potential Iowa school choice program—education
I find myself this year in the interesting position of kindergarten shopping for my 5-year-old daughter. Besides the expected “I can’t believe she’s this big already” nostalgia, there’s an
Who am I? My name is Valerie McMurray My birth mother was a heroin addict and an alcoholic all throughout her pregnancy, and because of that, I was born
Which states are going above and beyond to offer students with special needs more opportunity in education?
I am a high school drop-out. Despite graduating from college with honors, earning two graduate degrees and professional success, my status as a high school drop-out is difficult to
Five Easy Ways to Engage with Your Elected Officials
My name is Lennon. From kindergarten until my junior year, I have attended private, parochial schools. My elementary and middle school years were fondly lived out at St. Gregory
From the minute we wake up to the minute we call it a day, we’re bombarded with marketing and advertising. Our phones, computers and televisions flicker with the latest
We’re back with the third installment of the What Teachers Say About School Choice series, which features feedback we’ve received on social media from educators and administrators — along
School choice. The term was demonized in my teacher credentialing courses and by my own mother, who had been teaching in public schools since she was 20 years old.
Learn all of the private school tax credit and deduction programs from the fed, states and more