Happy Holidays from the Friedman Foundation
This year, the Friedman Foundation staff wants to celebrate the stories of some families who have benefited from school choice.

From Georgia, Joyce Cordell-Huff
Very often, generous people support worthy causes without ever really knowing just how much difference their contribution made in the lives of individuals. Our family wants to go on record for those who have supported (the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program) to let them know that their donations to this important scholarship fund have made all the difference in the world for us.
I have long been aware of the benefits of a George Walton Academy (GWA) education. Kayla, my oldest, entered college far ahead of many other students scholastically and with an outstanding spiritual grounding because of her education at GWA beginning in grade school. I hoped for the same for Kayla’s younger sister, Miranda, but doubted that would be possible because of my changed financial situation. Then along came GOAL and the great people who contributed to it. They saved the day. Miranda is a junior at GWA and is thriving. Every day, I know three things: She is getting a great education and being challenged to reach high; she is being taught by people with high moral values; and she is in a safe environment where students are held to a high degree of accountability. For us, Miranda’s ability to be at GWA is directly attributable to the generosity of people who didn’t even know her by name, but who felt led to give to a cause they believe in.
Our family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. Miranda, and no doubt other students like her, are doing all they can to prove that your money is well spent.

From Indiana, Terry Buhler
My wife and I adopted four children, three sons and a daughter. Our sons all have special needs. Our oldest son has serious vision problems, and our twin boys both struggle with various learning disabilities. Their challenges prevented all three from thriving in a traditional classroom, and for a long time we feared that they might not get the education they deserved.
Fortunately, the Choice Scholarship Program has changed everything for them and our family. With the voucher, we enrolled Zach, our oldest, as an online student at Lakeview Christian School in Marion, and he is doing well. Our twins are at Lakeview, too, and their teacher is doing a wonderful job giving them the individualized attention they need.
As parents, we are thankful to the state of Indiana for the opportunity to allow our three boys to attend Lakeview Christian School. Without the voucher program, this would not have been an option.