Louisiana Enacts Universal Education Savings Account Program

Press Release: For Immediate Release
May 30, 2024

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:
Chantal Fennell, EdChoice
chantal@edchoice.org | 989-251-8388

Louisiana Enacts Universal Education Savings Account Program
Total states offering all students school choice now at 12

Today, the Louisiana legislature gave its stamp of approval to the LA GATOR program, sending the bill to the desk of Gov. Jeff Landry, who is expected to sign the legislation. With his signature, the Pelican State will become the 12th to offer school choice to all students within its borders.

The Giving All True Opportunity to RISE (GATOR) program will establish Louisiana’s first education savings account (ESA) and serve as the fourth such program created in states this year.

“Louisiana policymakers defied the odds, creating a universal educational choice program in an election year,” said EdChoice President and CEO Robert Enlow. “EdChoice, the original beacon for universal educational choice, celebrates this exciting moment for Louisiana families, who are no longer constrained by zip codes, but empowered to seek the best educational path for their children. This victory wouldn’t have happened without the support of policymakers and the many local and national advocates who fought hard to bring more options to families in the Pelican State.”

The program will eventually be available to all Louisiana students after a multi-year phase-in, beginning with those already participating in the state’s voucher program for students from low-income families. ESA amounts will be set by the state board of education and participating families may use the funds to cover a wide number of qualified expenses, such as tuition, curriculum, textbooks, testing fees, educational services and therapies, and more.

In recent years, education reform has grown exceedingly common and popular. As of this week, EdChoice is tracking 83 education reform bills in 30 states, nearly 76% of which relate to education savings accounts.

Earlier this year, Alabama policymakers enacted an ESA program with universal eligibility, while Georgia and Wyoming enacted smaller ESA programs. Other, already existing school choice programs in Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, and Utah were also expanded. In total, the nation now boasts 76 school choice programs in 33 states. Of those, 19 programs in 17 states are ESAs, including the new LA GATOR program.

“While legislative bodies typically avoid enacting transformative policy reform in election years, 2024 has proved to be different, as policymakers are seeing that educational choice is overwhelmingly popular among parents and adults, supported by robust research, and legal sound,” Enlow added. “Just as Milton and Rose Friedman first envisioned, universal educational freedom isn’t a fleeting trend but is here to stay.”

To speak with Robert Enlow or an EdChoice scholar about the Louisiana program, educational choice trends and legislation, or existing programs across the country, contact Chantal Fennell at Chantal@edchoice.org, or 989-251-8388.

EdChoice is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to empower every family to choose the learning environment that fits their children’s needs best. Learn more at edchoice.org.
