Dustin Beth

Dustin Beth

Major Gifts Officer

Dustin Beth is a Major Gifts Officer with EdChoice. In this capacity, he connects with partners who are invested in ensuring that every child and their families have access to opportunities. Prior to EdChoice, Dustin gained extensive corporate, nonprofit, and political experience with focuses on strategic planning, fundraising, and issue advocacy. Born in Romania, Dustin was adopted at the age of 2 and brought to the United States. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, Dustin grew up with an appreciation for America and its founding principles. With family involved in civic and community service, Dustin found himself enjoying politics and steered his high school to create the School Board Student Ambassador role which empowered students to directly sit at the table with School Board Members and cast non-binding votes.

After high school, Dustin attended UW Parkside where he earned his BA in Political Science and Criminal Justice. In 2014, Dustin ran for school board at his alma mater and was elected. To this date he remains the youngest elected school board member. Dustin served on the Board of Education until he stepped down in 2021. After college, Dustin pursued career opportunities in nonprofit work which enabled him to learn more about how policy decisions truly impact the empowerment and betterment of society.

Dustin and his wife devote much of their time to their son and enjoy traveling, spending time with their Goldendoodle, and volunteering with organizations across their community.

Favorite Quote

“An entrepreneurial engineer capitalizes on opportunity.”
— DT

Favorite Teacher/Class

I have two great teachers in mind: 1) Ms. Mattioli, 7th Grade & English. Ms. Mattioli was such a kind, genuine, and high-quality educator. I remember after graduating grade school, I could always count on her to review, and critically look at, high school papers. Also, she taught me how to spell secretary. Secretaries keep SECRET(s)…(the only reason I wasn’t a grade school spelling bee champion). 2) Mr. Lindh, High School Civics Teacher. Mr. Lindh allowed me to flourish as a learner, ask tough questions, and chase what you love. Mr. Lindh allowed me to design independent studies around public policy, politics, and civics that truly led me on the path that I am on today.

High School Mascot


Favorite Pastime

Travel, catching up on “the soaps”, and spending time with my family.

Inspiration for Joining the Educational Choice Movement

From an early age, I’ve been very fortunate to have supportive (and invested) parents, a great school district, and every opportunity within my grasp. However, that’s not always the case and I believe that I should utilize my abilities, skills, and knowledge to engineer change and tell stories that advance the same opportunity for every child across the country.