Every aspect of K–12 education—even school choice—deserves attention to ensure students, parents, educators and taxpayers are understood and treated fairly. Our credibly sourced publications and interactive tools below will make gathering data on educational choice programs and other research quicker and easier than ever.
EdChoice or external research/thought leadership publications so far in 2025
Americans have responded to our surveys so far in 2025
State polling briefs updated monthly
We publish reports on the state and national level, including original empirical research, surveys, voter polls, syntheses and more. Sign up at the bottom of this page to get our future reports sent to your email inbox on the day we release them. Click the button below to browse our research library online.
EdChoice and Braun Research have polled a representative sample of Americans—plus a number of special subgroups—on K–12 education issues for the better part of a decade. Click to view this dashboard of our flagship annual survey and even mine past year’s reports.
Our Public Opinion Tracker, powered by Morning Consult, posts updated findings from our polling of Americans and school parents on timely education-related questions every month. We update our polling of K–12 teachers quarterly. You can also find state-level results and special subgroup survey reports.
We think it should be easy for the public—from parents and journalists to policymakers—to see what public schools spend and where that money goes. That’s where ProjectNickel.com comes in Search your school to see what they spend per student and compare to other schools nearby, schools in other districts and even schools in other states.
Access a comprehensive and properly cited list of empirical studies conducted to date on the short-term and long-term effects of educational choice programs on students, public schools, segregations, civic values and state finances.