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What We Do

It takes a village to make educational choice happen. We are here to bring people together and equip them with high-quality research, data analysis, policy expertise, messaging strategies and more.

Research & Thought Leadership

Our team is dedicated to high-quality research. In our library, you’ll find empirical research, national and state surveys, reviews, syntheses and working papers. We also maintain data dashboards that we keep updated in real time. Explore our research library at the link below.

Training & Outreach

Are you a legislator looking for more about educational choice policies? Are you a parent organizer looking for campaign best practices? Are you a supporter who needs practice with media interviews? We have an in-person training or webinar for you. Learn more about our trainings and events at the link below.

Policy & Advocacy

We are on the ground supporting coalitions in key states. More states than ever are advancing expansive educational choice programs, and our team is here to help. We’re available to provide tailored data, policy, legal support and more to our allies in the states.

Legal Policy & Education Center (LPEC) allows you to stay updated on active educational choice litigation, learn about school choice constitutionality in states, test your ability to design a constitutional program and more.

Fiscal Research & Education Center (FREC) allows you to dig deep into the fiscal effects of private educational choice programs, school staffing and spending data, fiscal alignment recommendations, fiscal research and more.

To safeguard choice programs for families, EdChoice created EdChoice Legal Advocates (EdLA) to engage in the school choice litigation effort directly.