EdChoice and Reason Foundation Launch School Choice Calculator

The School Choice Calculator allows users to design an ESA program for any state and provides a range of estimates for the fiscal effects of an education savings account (ESA) program on state and local taxpayers combined.

How States Protect Funding for Public Schools  

We dig into our new report which explores hold harmless funding; declining enrollment protections and funding guarantees.

Survey Says: K–12 Funding Should Follow Kids Where They Learn

Most school parents indicated they strongly or somewhat favor a system of funding where funding is based on student need and education dollars follow the student to the school of their choosing. That goes for all generations, all political affiliations and all community types.

Ep. 323: Michigan Student Opportunity Scholarship with Ben Degrow

In this episode we talk with Director of Education Policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Ben DeGrow. He and EdChoice's Director of Fiscal Research and Education Center, Marty Lueken, co-wrote a report that discusses the potential impacts of a proposed ESA program in Michigan.

  • Envelope Graphic

Ep. 281: The Fiscal Effects of School Choice

A new, updated analysis of the fiscal effects of school choice is out now!

NEW RESEARCH: The Costs and Savings of Educational Choice Programs in the U.S.

EdChoice’s fiscal expert breaks down the short- and long-run costs and savings of America’s school choice programs

Project Nickel: A New Tool to Help Everyone Understand What Public Schools Spend

What does the local public school in your community spend per-student? A new tech tool developed by Lincoln Studio in partnership with EdChoice can give you an answer.

The New 123s of School Choice – What You Need to Know

We’ve got a new one-stop shop for our most popular research report.

The Fiscal Effects of the Kansas Tax Credit for Low Income Students Scholarship Program

Some policymakers in the Sunflower State have expressed concern about the potential fiscal impact of a new educational choice program. Our fiscal expert looks at the data from existing Kansas programs to learn more.

The States Ranked by Spending on School Choice Programs, 2021 Edition

For the fifth year in a row, here are the rankings of states spending share on private educational choice programs.

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked by Purchasing Power, 2021 Edition

We rank the nation’s educational choice programs by purchasing power based on data in our 2021 edition of The ABCs of School Choice.

Reducing Higher Ed Debt: K-12 Education Savings Accounts Can Help Beyond K-12

Kids are encouraged to study hard to prepare for college, but ESAs allow them to prepare financially, too.

Unbundling: Three Ways Public Schools Can Rethink Food Services

In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle how to help schools and school districts 'unbundle' food services.

Unbundling: How K–12 Education Could Do Transportation Differently

In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle how student transportation can change as schools reopen in the Fall.

Unbundling: Three Policies That Would Improve Schools’ Core Education Services

In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle what it might look like to 'unbundle' core academic elements of schools.

Unbundling: A New Way to Approach Teacher Professional Development and Classroom Supplies

In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle paying for classroom supplies.

The Unbundling Series: Five Services Public Education Should Do Differently

In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle what it means to 'unbundle' educational services and providers to create a more resilient system of education.

Unbundling: Rethinking How We Deliver Remedial Services to Students Who Need Them

In this edition of The Unbundling Series, we tackle funding for remediation programs.

What Are ESAs And How Do They Work?

We break down three types of programs and show what makes them so different.

Key Findings from the Indiana School Voucher Program 2019–20 IDOE Report

Learn more about the report in this handy infographic.

The Trillion Dollar Problem: Pandemic Puts State Pension Plans At Even Greater Risk

The current economic downturn will have rippling effects on the health of pension funds for public school teachers and other public employees.

K-12 Fiscal Relief in the Aftermath of COVID-19

Shuttering school choice programs would cost states $3.3 billion.

The K-12 Financial Cliff: What States Could Face If Students Switch Schooling Sectors

What would happen to state and local budgets if a percentage of private school students wind up back in the public system?